#113 Ladies of hive contest: Check out how I'll spend my 31st night and 1st Jan 2023


This festive season is really inflencing, even the weather seems to tell us what's really happening round the world. Over here, the masses are really preparing for the Christmas celebration by visiting the malls and supermarts.

Although I'm a Christian, I do not believe in nor celebrate Christmas, it's against my christian believes. As usual, I'll share how I've always spent my 31 night and 1st January and this particular one isn't an exception.

Normally, on 31st night which is also called crossover night , many in my locality usually stay awake waiting for the clock to hit 12:00 midnight. At this point, they shout, drum, jubilate, break bottles, lit fire and burn tyres but a lot of unappealing activities do take place as well.

In the aura of the jubilation, many seize the opportunity to rob their fellow man by breaking into people's houses, stealing their valuables and even harming them in the process, some teenage guys drink to stupor and rape the girls under the influence of alcohol causing real havoc.

Hence, on the 31st night, I'm always indoors having a nice time with my family. Catching sleep at this point is impossible because the noise and jubilation is disturbing. I'm also very alert on this night in case of emergency situations

On the first day of the year, almost every family do go on outings to have a nice time, they cook certain meals, they might visit some places of interest to catch fun.

1st January 2023 falls on Sunday, so as usual I'll attend my christian meeting as my own way of appreciating God's gift of life, I'll be home immediately after the service and I'll resume my normal activities, my family usually seize this opportunity to blend and communicate together, share ideas and make suggestions on how the year would look like, we make plans together and look for possible ways to make the plans work out effectively. On this day no one is permitted to go out, we all stay home for safety reasons.

I'm sure, its gonna be a memorable indoor experience, anticipating that day. I'm sure you all have plans for that day as well, can't wait to check them out ladies.


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Safer to stay home over festive season, we have exactly the same problem here in South Africa.


We keep fighting

Stay home, stay safe

Staying home, prisoners in our own homes with no electricity, hopefully safe !LOLZ
Smile perhaps one day things will get better!

How does a tiger find his favorite song on Apple Music?
He uses their algrrrythm

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Better to be safely at home, gathered as a family thanking God for His beautiful gifts of the year that is ending.

Yeah..... prevention is better than cure

I hope you have a peaceful evening with your family and that there are no setbacks.


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Best wishes to your too... we're stepping into 2023 together

Yay! 🤗
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My dear, I don't celebrate the Christmas too knowingly because I have no idea about it. I was born into a family that we don't know what is Christmas but on that day, we usually prepare the best meal not visualizing what its learned for. I think it's something needed to research on. Thanks for sharing

I think we're similar in terms of beliefs