A love letter to my dearest mom #186

Hello lovely @ladiesofhive it's always amazing to be in this community,
Mothers are special gift to us from God and the deserves to be adore and cherish forever.
My mom's love,care, sacrifices and discipline shaped my life into what it is today and am proud of the lady I have become.

Am a proud mother of 3 adorable kids and in taking care of my kids I have realized the efforts my mom had put in to raise us.
I have tried showing appreciation to my mum in different ways but writing her a love letter wasn't in my mind until ladiesofhive brought the topic for the week and to me it was amazing and something worth trying.

I kept wondering how she will feel having to read a letter from me
Guess what ladies? It was so amazing and emotional.I told my kids that we are visiting grandma and they all shouted with Joy because they love their grandma alot and I called my mom telling her that on my way to her place.
On getting there I met her and I told her that I have something to give her she was curious because I had already given her the items I bought, finally i brought out the letter to her,I told her it's a love letter from me to her and smiled and went to get her glasses

I told her about hive and the topic given on ladiesofhive and I made her to understand that I meant every words in the letter.
She opened the letter and started reading,I could see how serious she was reading it as her grandchildren kept calling her grandma grandma.

After reading through she prayed for me and hugged me,it was one of my amazing moment with her.
Thank you so much great @ladiesofhive for making me to take this steps in appreciating my mom.I love you all


See this smile plastered on her face while she read the letter. Im thinking of how gladdened it must have made her.
Amen to all the prayers she said.
Your writing is beautiful by the way.

I was amazed how the letter lifted her soul 🥰🥰🥰
It was joy giving
Thank you so much for your kind words

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@silversaver888 Thank you so much am grateful 🙏🥰
@minnowsupport thank you so much 🙏🥰

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@silversaver888 thank do very much 🥰🥰🥰

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@hivebuzz thank you so very much

You're welcome @praiselove. Looking forward to you reaching your new target 😅

This is just amazing 🥰

@darahclem ohh thank you so much
I appreciate 🙏

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@thekittygirl thank you so much

@ladytoken thank you so much 🥰

And I hope to be a Grand parent someday... ❤️

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