Happy Monday to all ladies and women in the community. When I checked the week´s contest, I smiled because the questions were interesting to answer. Perhaps some would go with the two as they are straightforward questions.

I would be inviting @Coquicoin @ifarmgirl and @Jane1289 to participate too as I would love to know the kind of games or toys they played with while still very young then. Here is the Link to participate.

There are two questions to be answered, but I would like to go for one which ask thus;

What were your favorite games (or toys) as a child? Tell us about them! Do you still play any of them now?

This contest will surely take me back to memory lane when as a child, I used to enjoy playing games outside with my friends. I do enjoy games in company with other children of the same age as mine and till now, I still play some of them with my mates whenever I am in the mood. It's surprising that when most of this game is being introduced to them, they aren't familiar with it and I wonder what generation they were born into. Lol


Image by Vitolda on unsplash

There is this kind of game I love so much and there is no night we don´t play it except if I am sick and mom wouldn't allow me play but make me sit outside watching other children doing that while I smile and laugh at them as it is always funny.

The game is called Hide and Seek. This game is mostly played in the dark where it would be difficult recognizing anyone. We will spread ourselves around and hide somewhere while a person is picked and a piece of cloth is tied around his or her eyes. The person would then sing this Yoruba song;
"Boju Boju o
Oloro nbo
E paramo
Se nki shi?
Eni toloro ba mu o, a paje"

The meaning of the words is just like giving a warning for everyone to stay hidden so they aren't caught and if one is caught, such a person would be bitten or killed (it´s a joke though)

The person being tied would start taking a step slowly to see if he would get hold of somebody. The person might be lucky to get someone and if not, we all would surrender ourselves after much trying to get a person, but if one is caught, it would be the turn of such a person.

This game is very interesting and one thing I could draw from it is that it makes us value light more than darkness and also to appreciate those who can see because when one is blind, he is in darkness.

Another game I love again is acting in a drama and playing the role of a mother with a child or two children. We would gather sticks, find a tin can and add sand and water into it, it would be as if we are cooking and feeding the children.

For the toys, my Dad has his way of compensating our efforts in our academics and so, he would come striking a deal with us that if we come first in class, he would get us some toys, and because we trust our Dad, we would try our best to focus on our books and when the result is out, he would be happy with us and the best and favorite toy he had gotten us which we admire most is a toy camera


Image by Andrew on unsplash

The toy camera is something like that. There is a particular thing we press that brings different kinds of animals and this camera helped us learn the names of animals. Whenever the toys get spoiled, Dad would make sure he buys another one for us and this was the toy we were fond of and it made us learn a lot.


Awwn, this brought back some old memories. Playing boju boju or mummy and daddy was always fun.

Also hope you've done today's tasks.. Partner.


I almost forgot Dreemport tasks and I am on it already. Thank you for the reminder.

You're welcome, that's what partners are for.


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Thanks for sharing, @princessbusayo
and good luck with the contest.

It's my pleasure. Thank you ma

Your childhood experience was really fun

Yea, it was fun. Thank you for reading.

I so cherish that game very much, I also did it in my childhood it was full of fun. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Thank you for stopping by. I am sorry my reply is coming late.

Yeah, hide and seek is fun and for the toy camera, that was a really nice toy most children like till date.
Came via @dreemport.

Thank you, Hope 😊

You're welcome 🥰🥰

We sang that song then but I do not know the meaning, neither did I know how to sing it very well then. It's clear now. Yes I love hide and seek. Sometimes I wish we could go back to childhood. I want to go play some more. Hahaha.

How are you doing today? How is your dreemport challenge going? I stopped by to encourage you, dear

Hehehe! I came late to reply. I am sorry ma. Thanks for showing up

Thanks for sharing these sweet memories in our weekly contest! 😊

It's my pleasure 😊