Ladies of Hive Community Contest #77: Remembering my childhood 🎈🎈// Concurso de la Comunidad de Damas de la Colmena #77: Recordando mi infancia 🎈🎈

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

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Hola estimadas damas de la comunidad de Hive, una vez más contenta de poder participar en una nueva iniciativa. Cuando leí de qué se trataba, me gustó mucho el tema de este reto, porque todo lo que tenga que ver con mi infancia, me trae recuerdos preciosos, años de felicidad, de juegos, de amor, de alegría.

Hoy en día nuestros pilares ya no están (papá y mamá) y mis hermanos se han ido del país. Quedamos pocos pero agradezco cada momento y cada recuerdo porque me ha permitido ser la mujer que soy hoy en día.

En esta oportunidad se nos ofrecen dos preguntas para ser respondidas, para responder una o las dos, pero quiero como siempre, responder ambas.

Hello dear ladies of the Hive community, once again happy to be able to participate in a new initiative. When I read what it was about, I really liked the theme of this challenge, because everything that has to do with my childhood, brings me precious memories, years of happiness, games, love, joy.

Today our pillars are gone (mom and dad) and my siblings have left the country. There are few of us left but I am grateful for every moment and every memory because it has allowed me to be the woman I am today.

In this opportunity we are offered two questions to be answered, to answer one or both, but I want, as always, to answer both.



1️⃣ What were my favorite games (or toys) when I was a kid?
Do I still have any of them now?

1️⃣ ¿Cuáles eran mis juegos (o juguetes) favoritos de cuando era niña?
¿Todavía tengo alguno de ellos ahora?


Cuando era pequeña, tenía una muñeca llamada "Bebé Querido". Era igual a una bebé, hermosa, rubia de ojos azules. No hacía nada, solo pestañear. Ya un poco más grandecita, tuve dos o tres Barbies, la casa de la Barbie, mucha ropa, muchos accesorios, el carro de la Barbie. Me encantaba jugar con todo eso y además tenía un Ken. Solía reunirme con mis amiguitas para jugar. Todos esos accesorios poco a poco se fueron perdiendo. Solo me quedó esta Barbie que tenía un traje de novia.

Obviamente no juego con ella, pero si la tengo entre mis cosas y los peluches que aún me quedan. La guardé porque era la única que me quedaba en buen estado y porque pensé que de tener una niña, se la daría a ella, pero el destino y la vida me regalaron el más guapo de los varones 😍🥰.

When I was a little girl, I had a doll named "Baby Dearest". She was just like a baby, beautiful, blue-eyed blonde. She didn't do anything, just blink. When I was a little older, I had several Barbies, Barbie's house, lots of clothes, lots of accessories, Barbie's car. I loved to play with all that and I also had a Ken. I used to get together with my little friends to play. All those accessories were gradually lost. All I had left was this Barbie that had a wedding dress.

Obviously I don't play with her, but I do have her among my things and the stuffed animals I still have left. I kept it because it was the only one I had left in good condition and because I thought that if I had a girl, I would give it to her, but fate and life gave me the most handsome of boys 😍🥰.


A la Barbie le he hecho dos ropitas con retazos de telas viejas. Por ejemplo, con la parte de abajo de un jean, le hice la minifalda y el suéter de rayas morado y blanco, se lo hice con una media. También le hice unos jeans y un top de la misma tela. Esto lo hice porque mi sobrina salió embarazada y cuando supimos que sería niña, pensé en rescatar a mi Barbie para dársela a la pequeña Juliette cuando ella tenga la edad para jugar con la Barbie.

I made Barbie two little clothes with scraps of old fabrics. For example, with the bottom of a jean, I made her the mini skirt and the purple and white striped sweater, I made it with a sock. I also made her a pair of jeans and a top out of the same fabric. I did this because my niece got pregnant and when we found out it was going to be a girl, I thought about rescuing my Barbie to give her to little Juliette when she is old enough to play with Barbie.




Otro de mis peluches favoritos, era el perrito que tengo en esa foto 👆. Lo amaba porque me lo había regalado el elegante caballero que me abrazaba en la foto. Ese hombre ha sido uno de mis más grandes amores. Era mi papá y me lo había comprado en un viaje que hizo a Nueva York. No lo tengo conmigo porque mi papá cuando dejó este plano, yo decidí que Max (el peluche) lo acompañara en su viaje eterno 🙃.

Another one of my favorite stuffed animals, was the little dog I have in that picture 👆. I loved him because he had been given to me by the elegant gentleman who was hugging me in the photo. That man has been one of my greatest loves. It was my dad and he had bought it for me on a trip he took to New York. I don't have it with me because when my dad left this plane, I decided that Max (the stuffed animal) should accompany him on his eternal journey 🙃.



2️⃣ ¿Cuáles eran mis comidas favoritas cuando era niño? Me siguen gustando ahora?

2️⃣ What were my favorite foods as a child? Do I still enjoy them now?


Cuando estaba pequeña, me encantaba comer cambur, arepas y la pasta con tomates naturales. Eran mis tres comidas favoritas de la vida. De grande, no soporto los cambures, me siguen gustando las arepas y muero por la pasta.

La pasta me gusta solamente con una salsa de tomates hecha en casa, que tenga ajo, cebolla, paprica, un toque de sal, pimienta, un toque de salsa de soya y Passata de la que se consigue en los super mercados. Si no tengo tomates, en casa no puede faltar el queso Parmigiano o en su defecto, el Pecorino con pimienta. Una pasta con queso Parmigiano y mantequilla, es lo máximo 😋.

Cuando estábamos pequeños, yo ansiaba que llegara el día jueves porque era día de pasta con salsa de tomates naturales. Hoy ya de adulta, sigo esa tradición con mi hijo y como hoy es jueves, es el gran día!

When I was little, I loved to eat cambur, arepas and pasta with natural tomatoes. They were my three favorite foods in life. When I grew up, I can't stand cambur, I still love arepas and I die for pasta.

I only like pasta with a homemade tomato sauce, with garlic, onion, paprica, a touch of salt, pepper, a touch of soy sauce and Passata from the super markets. If I don't have tomatoes, at home I can't miss Parmigiano cheese or, failing that, Pecorino cheese with pepper. Pasta with Parmigiano cheese and butter is the best 😋.

When we were little, I used to look forward to Thursday because it was pasta day with natural tomato sauce. Today as an adult, I continue that tradition with my son and since today is Thursday, it's the big day!



Gracias a las personas que se toman el tiempo de leer lo que escribo, a quienes me regalan un bonito comentario o un consejo para mejorar lo que hago y por supuesto a la amplia gama de comunidades que están activas constantemente creando retos e iniciativas, dando a todos los que acá estamos, la oportunidad de crecer y ser mejores y más empáticos.

Thanks to the people who take the time to read what I write, to those who give me a nice comment or advice to improve what I do and of course to the wide range of communities that are constantly active creating challenges and initiatives, giving all of us here, the opportunity to grow and be better and more empathetic.



I too, had Barbie dolls. My grandmother would sew little outfits for her. I never had the Dream House or the car or Ken, but some of my friends did. It was a fun and innocent time.

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

It has been a pleasure to have shared it, thanks to you for allowing us to rescue those dormant memories. Sorry for the lateness of my reply, but I was all these days without internet connection 😐.

It has been a pleasure to have shared it, thanks to you for allowing us to rescue those dormant memories. Sorry for the lateness of my reply, but I was all these days without internet connection 😐.

No worries my friend! Take care!



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