LOH Community Contest #123: Let's talk about fashion, trend and loneliness

in Ladies of Hivelast year

Publicación de Instagram de motivación diaria de marco rosa suave (1).png

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My dear Ladies of Hives girls, from its founders to each one of the beautiful ladies that we make community here, that whenever we can, we participate in a contest, because each one of the contests created by these wonderful women, invites us to reflect, to dust off memories and these memories invariably make us experience those emotions that we thought were dormant, but then we realize that they have not even been erased, but are still there, some numb and others have been postponed or put aside to attend to something "more important". The truth is that our feelings are also important and we must not put them aside for too long or it will cause us future harm.

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This week, as always, the LOH girls, with the hand of @merit.ahama bring to the table two situations that can be somewhat controversial, depending on one's point of view.

I will try to answer both questions as honestly and clearly as possible, since everyone thinks differently. I will do it exclusively from my point of view and personal experience and respecting everyone's thoughts and opinions in this regard.

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1️⃣ Why do so many people feel lonely? Why is it so difficult for people to establish real contacts when almost everyone wants to establish real contacts?

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Loneliness is relative. There are many people who are always surrounded by people and feel lonely. Who even have a family (partner, children) and feel infinitely lonely. That feeling of loneliness, of emptiness, goes inside every human being.

A little less than six months ago, a friend whom I loved very much, who had a beautiful, loving wife, mother of his three children, who are equally loving, studious and excellent children, decided one day to take his own life. Just like that. He had absolutely everything, in appearance, to be happy. Those who know his wife immediately realize what a wonderful woman she is. And it was enough to spend a day with his family to see what a beautiful and "happy" family they were.


That, apparently for him, was not enough. Having a great woman by his side, who supported him in everything, who worked by his side, who is that kind of enterprising, hardworking woman, who with a smile always on her face, even in the most difficult moments, was always there for him, above all, perhaps for him, it was not enough.

Other times, we can be alone and feel good, feel at ease.


In my case, after my divorce, with two failed attempts to establish a new relationship, with some disappointments from friends and family, I have felt at ease alone. I like to get to the quiet of my home, share with my son who is everything to me, talk little to the outside world unless it is to share something funny, some reflection or maybe to say hello. But I am not one of those who seek the company of people. I'm not a hermit either, no.

Sometimes I get together with my family, a few times I go out to share with friends a coffee, a beer, a tap at our usual joint to attend a tribute to some of my favorite deceased rock bands or singers.


But getting home, taking a bath and putting on the first thing I can find (my homeless clothes, as I call them), making a light dinner and looking for something to watch on TV or read a book, is the ultimate for me.

And the more time passes, the more at ease I feel. I don't deny that eventually I would like a hug, especially on those cold mornings when vulnerability appears. Or someone adult to laugh with and share opinions on whatever topic. But I think that if that's the case, it would have to be someone who has his home and I have mine, not living under the same roof .... As they say: "Together, but not mixed".

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2️⃣ What is the silliest recent fashion trend?

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In this case, there are many recent and not so recent fashion trends that are excessively silly.

First of all, that determination in many beautiful women, who in their attempt to look "more beautiful", start injecting here and there, lips, cheekbones, butt, causing in some, disastrous results or that natural beauty vanishes to give way to a plastic woman.


The lips.

They want to fill the lips to look more sensual and in many cases, the result is that they look like inflatable dolls and their mouths look like sausages.


What's wrong with them? Please don't touch your face.

The butt.

We usually see it on very very very very thin girls, with legs that look like sticks and they put on buttocks so disproportionate that they look like cushions, instead of buttocks.

It's fine to want to touch up a bit and highlight the attributes that nature gave them, but why overdo it?


The other very common trend is the eyebrow design. They all get the same design that looks like they have drawn the line with a thick marker. And they all go out and get that horrible line tattooed because it's fashionable, without studying their face to see if it suits them or not. Because not all of us have the same features, nor the same features.

The most frequent are the negative and disastrous results, especially because they also look for someone not accredited, because "he charges cheaper" and they end up looking like very strange little things.

And in men, that fashion of pants with the bottom squirting out and the boxer shorts on top. What are they thinking? It's a good idea to give them a thong, for God's sake.

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This has been my entry to LOH contest #123. Endless thanks to @merit.ahama and all the ladies in the community.

I say goodbye but not before inviting my friends @zhanavic69, @belkisa758, @antoniarhuiz and @leticiapereira to participate.

Thank you thank
you thank you
thank you!

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Publicación de Instagram de motivación diaria de marco rosa suave (1).png

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Mis queridas chicas de Ladies of Hives, desde sus fundadoras hasta cada una de las hermosas damas que hacemos comunidad aquí, que siempre que podemos, participamos en un concurso, porque cada uno de los concursos creados por estas maravillosas mujeres, nos invita a reflexionar, a desempolvar recuerdos y estos recuerdos invariablemente nos hace experimentar esas emociones que creíamos dormidas, pero que luego nos damos cuenta que ni siquiera se han borrado, sino que siguen allí, algunas adormecidas y otras han sido pospuestas o dejadas de lado por atender algo "más importante". Lo cierto es que nuestros sentimientos también son importantes y no debemos dejarlos de lado por mucho tiempo o eso nos causará un daño futuro.

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Esta semana, como siempre, las chicas de LOH, de la mano de @merit.ahama nos ponen sobre el tapete dos situaciones que pueden ser un tanto controvertidas, según el punto de vista de cada quien.

Voy a tratar de responder ambas preguntas de la manera más sincera y clara posible, dado que cada quien piensa diferente. Yo lo haré exclusivamente desde mi punto de vista y experiencia personal y respetando los pensamientos y opiniones de cada quien en este sentido.

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1️⃣ ¿Por qué hay tanta gente que se siente sola? ¿Por qué es tan difícil para la gente establecer contactos reales cuando casi todo el mundo quiere establecer contactos reales?

La soledad es relativa. Hay mucha gente que siempre está rodeada de personas y se siente sola. Que tiene incluso familia (pareja, hijos) y se sienten infinitamente solos. Ese sentimiento de soledad, de vacío, va por dentro de cada ser humano.

Hace poco menos de seis meses, un amigo a quien yo quería mucho, que tenía una esposa preciosa, cariñosa, madre de sus tres hijos, quienes son chicos por demás igualmente cariñosos, estudiosos y excelentes niños, decidió un día, quitarse la vida. Así sin más. Tenía absolutamente todo, en apariencia, para ser feliz. Quienes conocen a su esposa, se dan cuenta de inmediato de la maravillosa mujer que es ella. Y solo bastaba con compartir un día con su familia, para ver la bonita y "feliz" familia que eran.


Eso, al parecer para él, no fue suficiente. El tener a una gran mujer a su lado, que lo apoyaba en todo, que trabajaba a su lado, que es ese tipo de mujer emprendedora, trabajadora, que con una sonrisa siempre en su rostro, aún en los momentos más difíciles, siempre estaba para él, por encima de todo, quizás para él, no era suficiente.

Otras veces, podemos estar solos y sentirnos bien, sentirnos a gusto.


En mi caso, después de mi divorcio, con dos intentos fallidos de establecer una nueva relación, con algunas decepciones de amistades y familiares, me he sentido a gusto sola. Me gusta llegar a la quietud de mi hogar, compartir con mi hijo quien lo es todo para mí, hablar poco con el mundo exterior a menos que sea para compartir algo gracioso, alguna reflexión o para quizás saludar. Pero no soy de las que busco compañía de personas. Tampoco soy una hermitaña, no.

A veces me reúno con mi familia, pocas veces salgo a compartir con amigos un café, una cerveza, un toque en nuestro antro de siempre para asistir a un tributo a algunos de mis grupos o cantantes favoritos de rock ya fallecidos.


Pero llegar a mi casa, darme un baño y ponerme encima lo primero que encuentro (mi ropa de indigente, como le digo yo), hacer una cena ligera y buscar algo que ver en la tv o leer algún libro, es para mí lo máximo.

Y mientras más tiempo pasa, más a gusto me siento. No niego que eventualmente me gustaría un abrazo, sobre todo en esas madrugadas de frío donde la vulnerabilidad aparece. O alguien adulto con quien reír y compartir opiniones del tema que sea. Pero pienso que si se da ese caso, tendría que ser alguien que tenga su casa y yo la mía, nada de vivir bajo el mismo techo. . Como dicen por ahí: "Juntos, pero no revueltos".

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2️⃣ ¿Cuál es la tendencia de moda reciente más tonta?

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En este caso, hay muchas tendencias de moda recientes y no tan recientes, que son excesivamente tontas.

En primer lugar ese empeño en muchas mujeres bellas, que en su intento de verse "más bellas", comienzan a inyectarse aquí y allí, los labios, los pómulos, el trasero, causando en algunas, resultados desastrosos o que esa belleza natural se esfume para dar paso a una mujer de plástico.


Los labios.

Se quieren rellenar los labios para verse más sensuales y en muchos casos, el resultado es que parecen muñecas inflables y sus bocas parecen chorizos.

Los pómulos.

¿Qué les pasa? No se toquen la cara por favor.

El trasero.

Generalmente lo vemos en chicas muy muy muy delgadas, con piernas que parecen palitos y se ponen unos traseros tan desproporcionados que parecen cojines, en vez de nalgas.

Está bien querer retocarse un poco y resaltar los atributos que la naturaleza les dio, pero ¿por qué exagerar?


La otra tendencia muy común es el diseño de las cejas. Todas se hacen el mismo diseño que parece que se hubiesen trazado la línea con un marcador grueso. Y salen todas a tatuarse esa línea horrible porque está de moda, sin estudiarse el rostro a ver si les va bien o no. Porque no todas tenemos las mismas facciones, ni los mismos rasgos.

Lo más frecuente son los resultados negativos y desastrosos, sobre todo porque se buscan también a alguien no acreditado, porque "cobra más barato" y terminan pareciendo unas cositas muy raras.

Y en los hombres, esa moda de los pantalones con la parte de abajo chorreando y los calzoncillos encima. ¿En qué están pensando? Es una buena idea darles un tanga, por el amor de Dios.

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Esta ha sido mi participación al concurso #123 de LOH. Gracias infinitas a @merit.ahama y a todas las damas de la comunidad.

Me despido no sin antes invitar a participar a mis amigas @zhanavic69, @belkisa758, @antoniarhuiz y @leticiapereira.


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Publication is 100% original, property of @purrix.

Photographs are my property.

The cover is from Canva, in its free version.

The emoji are courtesy of Bitmoji, free extension for PC.

The translator used was www.deepl.com., in the free version.


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The story of your friend who took his life is so pitiful, and even more pitiful that he didn't think about his wife and kids when he wanted to take his life.

And I wonder what could have been running in his mind before the day he took his life... Too bad.

Fashion can be so surprising at times lol

Thanks for participating, all the best!

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That's right, my friend @merit.ahama. In appearance he had everything to be happy. But maybe it wasn't what he wanted. The labyrinths of the mind are infinite.

Yessssss... fashion and its follies 😄

A hug for you 🌸🌷🌷🌺

I feel quite sad about your friend though. What you said is completely true. He had everything but still felt alone. This loneliness matter is rather complex and doesn't have a defined meaning or reason. Quite sad.🥺

because "he charges cheaper" and they end up looking like very strange little things.

I literally guffawed at this. Oh my God. You couldn't have described it any better. Since you really have to do it, at least, do it right. Why would you spare expenses on something that is going on your actual body? I'm really scared of how the next set of trends would look like.😬
Really nice entry.❤️

Hahahaha!!! That's right, haven't you noticed that these people (both men and women) who inject their faces, then their faces look square, big and stiff? They all look the same!

Regarding my friend, yes it was something unexpected and very sad. Especially because he was a very cheerful person (something incongruous, isn't it?). Here comes in very well that popular saying that goes: "La procesión va por dentro."

I'm glad you liked my writing.

A big hug 💛✨💛

That's sad to read about your friend. There are many people in the world who are fighting their inner-battles due to past traumas. Even with all the goodness around them in their present they are still not able to let go off the past. As you very rightly said, it's relative. With everything around you also you may be feeling lonely in your heart and that's very difficult to mend.

How did I miss out on this post?
Congratulations @purrix

Congratulations on your winning entry to the Ladies of Hive contest #123 @purrix🏆1️⃣☝️

I hope your friend and her children (and loved ones) get the love and support they will need in the days, weeks, months and years ahead after the death by suicide of the husband/father.💔

I agree with your thoughts on the ridiculous looks of fake dark marker eyebrows and bubble butts. Add to it the fake centipede looking fake eyelashes that make my eyes water whenever I see people wearing them. Yikes!😶🙄😳🤪


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