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RE: LOH Contest #85: Criticism and fun time // Críticas y tiempo de diversión

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Yes, in fact my sister has a motto: "Do as I say, not as I do", because sometimes (just sometimes) she recognizes that she is not perfect and that she has made many mistakes. She likes to run other people's lives and give her opinion, but keep them out of hers or we would be waking up the beast! 😲😂

Yesssss lots of fun with these games. They have me hooked! 🙃


Your sister is tough :) but good that she recognizes her flaws even just sometimes hehe. I definitely know someone who is the same and it's not good to be around with them because it gets stressful😂 and when the beast in them wakes up, oh my😱

And yes, I believe your games are fun :)

hahahahaha!!! That's right, best to leave the beast in peace... 😂😂😂