Concurso de la comunidad Ladies of Hive # 8/ Ladies of Hive Community Contest # 8

Hola, feliz mi gente linda de HIVE.

Hello, happy my beautiful HIVE people.



Me encanta la idea de estar participando por primera vez en el concurso comunitario de @ladiesofhive con la edición #8 de esta semana donde las mujeres nos apoderamos a través de la escritura creativa.
Y como siempre tres preguntas para tres posibles respuestas, donde yo escojo darle respuesta a las tres interrogantes; así que aquí vamos.

I love the idea of ​​entering the @ladiesofhive community contest for the first time with this week's issue # 8 where we women empower ourselves through creative writing.
And as always three questions for three possible answers, where I choose to answer the three questions; so here we go.

¿Qué flor te representaría mejor? ¿Y por qué?

El Girasol es la flor perfecta para responder esta pregunta, ya que esta hermosa creación de Dios simboliza luz, amor y admiración a demás de lealtad , amistad, actitudes extrovertidas, optimistas y alegres.

Aun en la oscuridad los pétalos de esta hermosa flor impactan por su fortaleza y energia pues no dejan de brillar y aun marchitados dejan sus semillas para nuevas flores como una manera de agradecer y avisar que aun sigue vivo.

Which flower would best represent you? And why?

The Sunflower is the perfect flower to answer this question, since this beautiful creation of God symbolizes light, love and admiration for others of loyalty, friendship, outgoing, optimistic and happy attitudes.

Even in the dark, the petals of this beautiful flower impress because of its strength and energy because they do not stop shining and even wilted they leave their seeds for new flowers as a way to thank and warn that it is still alive.


Debemos de vivir siempre agradecido por la vida y las oportunidades que nos da cada dia, no importa que tan oscuro se nos presente el camino debemos siempre buscar la luz.

We must always live grateful for life and the opportunities that each day gives us, no matter how dark the path presents itself, we must always seek the light.


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The sunflower is perfect!
Good luck with the contest!

Thank you for reading and commenting.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening