My Introduction Post

in Ladies of Hive11 months ago

Greetings to all. Rejoice is my name, and I'm happy to be here on the hive blockchain. Hailing from Nigeria's AkwaIbom State.

This blog post's main goal is to give a more thorough introduction to myself and outline my ambitions for the hive blockchain. This will allow me to talk about how I first learned about Hive.


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What I Know About Hive
I learned about Hive during my year of service. If you are a Nigerian student attending a Nigerian university, you must do a one-year required service.

We learned that we need to have a skill while we were meeting and interacting. The speaker explained to us how Hive may be an excellent venue for me to demonstrate my abilities.
I became interested in mastering two skills: blogging and Amazon KDP. I learned about hive blogging. Prior to mastering hive, I had to master the KDP skill.

I have plans for
My goals for hive are intriguing; here, I'd love to show off my content writing abilities for making an effect value and producing money.

To show the young brains on the hive how to generate money by selling lucrative books on the Amazon market place, I'd like to discuss the idea of Amazon KDP publishing. This will definitely be a fantastic venue for me to express my ideas.

My knowledge as a KDP professional

Avoiding traps is one of the most important aspects of learning a digital skill from a mentor. To be completely honest, the first time I viewed tutorials on Amazon KDP publishing, I wasn't convinced not until I see the need to get a mentor. As a digital skill, I would be happy to write for free on Amazon KDP Publishing.

Topic I'll speak about
I will discuss the following subjects while I'm here on Hive:

KDP publishing on Amazon : Amazon owns the publishing platform known as Kindle Direct Publishing, sometimes referred to as Amazon KDP. Royalties are paid to authors who publish books on Amazon. In my next post, the resources you'll need to make your book stand out will be revealed.

Teaching : Teaching was the first job I held following my NYSC service; it was a lot of fun and great.


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Here on Hive, I'll be providing useful advice for instructors. There is a proverb that reads as follows: "Teachers are rewarded best by God." Anywhere I go, I am always closer to the teaching area because I'll be doing the same thing over here on hive.

Delicacies : I enjoy baking and cooking a lot. In a future post, I'll show you some of my delicacies and how to make them.

How I see
My goal is to connect with others that share my passions and ambitions in order to provide mentorship and value. To better explore my abilities, I aim to find other KDP authors, professors, and cooks.

I am appreciative that Hive offers such a platform for learning and exploration. I hope everyone's time on Hive is wonderful. Thanks.

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A warm welcome to to the hive blockchain, you've made the right choice coming onboard and I'm certain you'll enjoy your stay here, I look forward to seeing you sharing your niche subsequently.

Also if you wish to learn more about the hive blockchain, then I'll suggest your Check out the @newbies-hive initiative, it's the number one go to space to learn about the nitty gritty of hive as a newbie.

Have a pleasant Hiving experience.

Thanks so much.

Hello @rejoice142 a warm welcome to hive Blockchain. It's good to read more about you through your intro. I can see that you are already an Amazon writer and a teacher as well, nice. I hope to see more of you here. Hive is a beautiful place to be and just as @vickoly has said, newbies program will assist you in knowing more about hive

Welcome 🤗
And I wish you a happy Hiving experience

Thanks so much for the warmth welcome.

I am very surprised you were told able hive at your NYSC. Didn't know Hive has that much reach. Is there like a community there or someone who mentors people through the journey?

This post has been selected to be curated by hive learners community. Kindly click on the banner to visit our community and check out our discord channel here.


I heard it from a close friend I met in camp, a leader of my platoon. I will say I was lucky. Thanks friend.

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Welcome to Hive @rejoice142!

I'm curious: How did you learn about Hive, and has anyone taught you how the Hive ecosystem works? You can tag the person who introduced you to Hive, so they know you've started publishing. 😊

I also invite you to explore other communities you might like that are part of the OCD Communities Incubation Program. Check out all the communities, read their rules and post in the one that fits your content.

Any questions or concerns you can connect to the OCD's Discord server and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

Lovesniper @OCD team.

Oh wow! I've heard so much about KDP I may as well wait for your next post and can you be my mentor please?😊😊

Welcome to Hive !LADY. you're gonna love it here😄

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@ibbtammy, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @rejoice142 and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/2 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

That's good friend, please I went through a guide of the newbie and find out different communities supports specific kind of post and currently I'm worried if I can post KDP contents in ladies of hive community. Which do you suggest so I can start posting. I intend following hive rules throughout my stay on hive.

Welcome to hive blockchain a new world in web3 where your content has value ,There are some information that you need to know as you navigate this new world:

  • Exploring communities on hive Ours is @airhawk-project index for supporting authors and investment.
  • Explore other communities with for all communities on hive
  • Another tips and information a Hive newbie needs can be found by, click here: newbie guide.
    One important aspect to note is Hive is not like your conventional other social media platforms since your contents are monetized . You can't include content that you don't own without sources (plagiarism). For Guildlines, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.
  • Another area you should be aware of to monitize your account is Hive-engie. Hive-Engine is a smart contract platform on top of the Hive blockchain. It allows communities and businesses to build their own tokens, which are then built on top of the technology provided by Hive. This is the ultimate layer 2 solution. The token created on Hive-Engine is then immediately tradable with Hive on hive engine exchange. Learn how to use Hive-engine dex Here
    You can Trade our token !AIRHAWK on tribaldex with the link Here

Hash Tagging on hive : Hashtags is an integral part of social media platforms and web3 project like hive is configure for monitizing hashtag system , serving various purposes and providing several benefits.

Categorization: Hashtags help categorize and organize content. Users can search for specific hashtags and find relevant posts, making it easier to discover content related to their interests there are General hashtags and communities hashtags which are second layer tokens on smart contract built in hive-engine ecosystem. Some popular tags:
#ocd #ecency #neoxian #palnet #gems #alive

#leofinance #proofofbrain #hive-engine #airhawk #splinterland e.t.c.
If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into our Whatsapp Group Here

You also receive upvote on your content when you stake #airhawk coin on hive-engine which benefits you through upvote and curation reward when your upvote other authors using our tag #airhawk-project on their content, enjoying support upvote from being a token holder of our token.

You can Check your reward using this link below

Happy blogging.

Welcome to the Hive community @rejoice142!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, Keychain, Peaklock, and Hivesigner,
  3. The master password and the owner key are only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your password or keys; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. DO NOT OPEN any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hiveans available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!

Thank you so much, I have secured my passwords and will abide by the stated rules.

Welcome on board and remember consistency is the key to strive great on hive also dont forget to follow up the newbies initiative on hive learners,.. community thats gonna give you alot of exposure.