Ladies of Hive Community Contest #80

Hello Hive Community!

Mi participación para el concurso de @ladiesofhive, aprovecho para invitar a la amiga @angeleserra a que forme parte de la comunidad.
My participation for the @ladiesofhive contest, I take this opportunity to invite my friend @angeleserra to be part of the community.
Voy a responder la pregunta # 1 Con la llegada de la pandemia mundial, el comercio online se ha convertido en algo rutinario. ¿Te gusta comprar en línea? ¿Has tenido una mala compra, el producto que pediste no llegó a tiempo, o no era lo esperado? Cuéntanos tu experiencia o si aún no compras online, cuéntanos el motivo.
I am going to answer question #1 With the advent of the global pandemic, online trading has become routine. Do you like to shop online? Have you had a bad purchase, the product you ordered did not arrive on time, or was not what was expected? Tell us about your experience or if you still don't buy online, tell us why.


Images edited in: Canva

Desde que llego la pandemia las compras online aumentaron mucho, es algo que se ve a diario usado por muchas personas y ya se ha vuelto una costumbre hacer compras online para muchos. Aca donde vivo se ve mucho y desde que llegue aqui he visto a muchas personas hacer sus compras online por lo que me he atrevido hacer mis compras de esta manera.
Since the pandemic arrived, online shopping has increased a lot, it is something that is seen daily used by many people and it has already become a habit to shop online for many. Here where I live you see a lot and since I got here I have seen many people do their shopping online so I dared to do my shopping this way.


- ¿Te gusta comprar en línea? SI me gusta comprar en linea las cosas de mi hija, ya que se me hace mas fácil a la hora de ver algo en Internet, solo elijo el color y pido la talla y se que le quedará muy bien, es importante tomar en cuenta el tipo de tela de la ropa o calidad de zapatos, me gusta comprarle solo a mi hija a traves de compras en linea, ya que yo soy un poco complicada al momentode escoger ropa para mi a menosnde que se trate de algun producto de maquillaje. Ademas de esto tengo preferencia por una tienda que se llama falabella ponen muy buenos precios y ofertas flash por 24 horas y además el envío te sale gratis.
- Do you like shopping online? YES, I like to buy my daughter's things online, since it is easier for me when I see something on the Internet, I just choose the color and ask for the size and I know it will fit her very well, it is important to take into account the type of clothing fabric or quality of shoes, I like to buy only for my daughter through online purchases, since I am a bit complicated when choosing clothes for myself unless it is a makeup product. In addition to this, I have a preference for a store called Falabella, they have very good prices and flash offers for 24 hours and also the shipping is free.

Screenshot of Fallabella website

- ¿Has tenido una mala compra, el producto que pediste no llegó a tiempo, o no era lo esperado? NO, hasta ahora no he tenido una mala compra porque se muy bien lo que voy a pedir a demas de esto siempre es bueno ver opiniones de otras personas que ya han adquirido ese producto, mi experiencia ha sido muy buena y sin duda podria seguir haciendo mis compras online
- Have you had a bad purchase, the product you ordered did not arrive on time, or was not what was expected? NO, so far I have not had a bad purchase because I know very well what I am going to ask for other than this it is always good to see opinions of other people who have already purchased that product, my experience has been very good and I could certainly continue doing my online purchases

Texto traducido en Deepl
Text translated in: Deepl

Pictures of my property.

Camera: Samsung A31

Until next time


Yo también comencé a hacer mayor uso de las tiendas online debido a mi hijo, siempre es más cómodo comprarle de ese modo. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia 😊

Si tienes razón, es mejor comprarles de esta manera a los niños.
Saludos 🤗

You received 2 LADY(LOH) tokens for entering the Ladies of Hive contest!

We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hold LOH tokens over a long period of time

That is a nice shoes for your daughter :) I don't buy clothes online too, I need to see them myself hehe.

con las compras online te has ahorrado mucho tiempo en visita a tiendas! creo que eso es muy importante para ti

Online shopping has certainly convenient and a broad variety. Though I have had problems in the past, overall it has been good. Most of the time, I still rather shop in person when the opportunity arises.
