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RE: [ESP/ENG] Ladies of Hive Community Contest #100/ Delincuentes y enfermedades mentales

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

A mi me daba verguenza contar esa anécdota, yo era tan precavida y le pedía precaución a mis hijos y viene a sucederme a mi, despues ví que era necesario contarlo para que otras personas estuvieran alertas, así fueras joven o vieja como yo.
Esos cuadros depresivos son difíciles de aceptar en la familia, así como la perdida mental progresiva, donde no conseguimos que hacer para ayudar.
Muchísimas gracias por el comentario de apoyo. Un abrazote @cochanet

I was embarrassed to tell that anecdote, I was so cautious and I asked my children for caution and it happened to me, later I saw that it was necessary to tell it so that other people would be alert, whether you were young or old like me.
These depressive pictures are difficult to accept in the family, as well as progressive mental loss, where we can't do anything to help.
Thank you very much for the supportive comment. A hug @cochanet