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RE: A trip to life, of life, for life - Dreemport Challenge(d)

My mother-in-law is 80 years old and suffers from Alzheimer's. She can't go to many places, so my wife brings places to her. Whenever we go out she'll take video of the kids and the places we travel to even she her mom comes along. At the end of the evening, we'll sit in front of the TV and go over the day with her as she can't remember. It's like taking two great trips in one day.

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This is just such a wonderful comment @scholaris. Your mother-in-law is truly blessed to have family like you, and you are truly blessed to have a family that is driven to lavish love over each other. I find it really beautiful that you write with such tenderness about it and clearly have much love for her and understand the importance of including her in your life as immersively as is still possible. !PIZZA !ALIVE

Ultimately, on a long enough timeline, everyone succumbs to entropy. Things are getting to an unfortunate point, but we're still hopeful that life can bring us more precious moments.

!LUV and hugs😘What you guys do as a family has been banked in my memory in case the time ever comes for any of us in my family or friendship circles. I think it's quite beautiful.