A Bit of Paradise Past: Part 2

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

An old beach, and an old garden lamp, and The Fairy.

That was the furniture in the first garden "room" that you would encounter in my bit of paradise. The Fairy is the name of the rose.

Enveloped by a quintessential flower for cottage gardens, it is like a blanket of small, single, and double flowers in shades of pink.

Forever pink. I love pink. It is no surprise that the color of the roses here are pink. The Fairy rose blooms from Spring till early Winter.

You could sit a while here, if you don't mind sharing the bench with the flowers. Don't worry. They are thornless, with attractive and delicate green leaves.

It is a long season of greenery that ushers an old-fashioned romance to this garden room.

The flowers would cascade down below the hill. Imagine this all in bloom. It is very pretty!

In the next episode of A Bit of Paradise Past, I will bring you around the yard of my first home which sits in a third of an acre lot.

A Bit of Paradise Past: Part 1

Thank you for allowing me to share a part of my life with you. I hope to see you again soon!


Best Regards,


All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone6, unless specified.

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I post an article daily, and I hope to see you again soon!

Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!

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Just add a tea service, a tray of pasties and good company.

Always, with love 🤗🌺❤️

When I met you, I just moved, about 6 or so months.
Silly me, I sold it!

Hugs and Kisses sis 🥰🌺🤙!!

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Waw very very beautiful

Thanks, @sabagraphic!
It was a labor of love, to say the least. hehehe 😜🤣!

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Thanks for the upvote, @fambalam!

Cascading roses are absolutely beautiful! Thornless get an even bigger vote from me. I love them, but, it takes a lot of dedication to snipping off the spent roses to keep them healthy and make them bloom it's fullest.

The furniture makes it looks so lovely, in its very rustic appearance. I could imagine sharing a seat with them and feeling quite at home.

Thank you for showing them off!

Yes, indeed!
It can take lots of time, which I had then.
You would love the other parts of the garden.
I think you would. Well, I did.
At the back was full of flowers... roses!

I'm sure I would! If you had lots of time, you probably weren't working then, or had a different job! You are absolutely busy every moment, although lucky you get to Hive from work. I am so jealous!

I will bet that house had a beautiful back, especially if the other side looked like this! Lovely!

I had a part-time gardener come over, hehe 😊
Yes, I am so busy! I fill my every minute.
But I reserve all my breaks for Hive as I have LOH to take care of.
Squeeze like a lemon.
And when I get to my bed, I am spent!!!
hmmm... is that I don't dream?

:) That works!

A lovely and cozy, comfortable look where one can sit and dream big dreams.


My girlfriends loved to hang out with me and my garden.
My weekends were busy because they would sleep over.
We would dream big, sometimes silly, dreams.

I can just imagine what a hen's nest you had there and yes, you must really have had some great fun times there.
We move around very regularly and I have never really bonded to a home. Already 9 times in the past 10 years and soon again from here where we stay now.
I am looking for a place where I can finally put my anchor down and I hope that it will be something like this old house of yours.

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Thank you, @hivebuzz!

You're welcome @silversaver888, that's always! Have a nice weekend 😊👍
See you soon.

Looks like a nice place to sit and do nothing but relax, or read for a bit. Beautiful!

My past life... 🤔 I wonder!

One of the things I always look for are plants/flowers that bloom for extended periods of time. Your "Fairy Rose blooming from Spring till early Winter is perfect @silversaver888. Did you plant these at your current home?

I only have one tree Rose, called Double Delight, in my current home;
and had four in my first home, I hope I get to show it!

That would be very nice @silversaver888!!🤗 🤗

!LUV it

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Paradise is the right word for this lovely, flowery, cosy place...😊

I loved that home, @barbara-orenya.
But life is beautiful because you carry the loveliness in you...
where ever you are!

So beautiful. I love the way they are hugging the bench.

Looks like something you'd see in photos of a Victorian Garden.

I love the naturalness of it all.
It's so pretty, it makes me smile every time I look at it.
Thank you, @jacey.boldart 😊😀!

A bit of pink from the past , looks so great and that bench, if it only could take back that would be the place where i would do all my blogging and writing

Awww... you are a romantic, @brittandjosie!!!

Thank you!
I loved it too!
Stay tuned for Part 3.
I hope you will be back, @obsesija, hehe😊