Beautiful and Sublime Sunday: Update on Squash & Watermelon

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Hello there! Thank you for being here. It is the weekend once again!


Zucchini squash grows so fast! When they start to fruit, be watchful because, before you know the fruits can be a bit over-grown.

This is one of the many fruits of the squash. I've been harvesting every other day, but somehow this one escaped my attention. I made this one into a zucchini bread, and it was delicious. I'll put up the recipe down the road from now.

I normally harvest them when they are bit bigger than how they are in this photo below, in about two days or so would be perfect.

Now to the watermelon. I thought that I was a little bit late in planting this watermelon. Well, it is having some fruit already.

I didn't notice it until yesterday!

I get pretty excited when I find fruits in my garden!

Here is another variety of squash. This was picture taken several days ago.

And here it is now. The fruit has grown.

I love this vegetable patch!

We have a Little Garden
by Beatrix Potter

We have a little garden
A garden of our own.
And every day we water there
The seed we have sown.

We love our little garden
And tend it with such care.
You will not find a faded leaf
Or blighted blossom there.

Some of us need a rest from our devices... the cellphones, the laptops... and appreciate the small things in life.

Life is beautiful as flowers.


This post for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a
and #BeautifulSunday by @ace108.

#alwaysaflower is a tag initiated by @dswigle.

It is also for Show Us Your California by @derekrichardson.

All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone, unless specified.

Thank you for stopping by to view this article.

I post an article daily, and I hope to see you again soon!

Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!


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"Peg will gladly receif onie contributions tae th' ships galley Lass!" 😁 -Keptin


Hehehe, veggies!!!
Do pirates eat veggies?

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Looks like a good size watermelon @silversaver888 , what an awesome surprise that you found🤗
Looks like your garden is producing lots of zucchini as well!!
Zucchini bread......Yum!!😀

Happy Sunday! Yes, I baked Zucchini bread!!! Let's see the size of the watermelon, hehehe. I can remember now if I bought a regular size watermelon or the tiny ones.

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Miniature watermelons?? I don't think we have ever grown miniature watermelons @silversaver888🤔
Sounds like a good post my friend let us know when it is fully grown😀

I managed a Zuke for now. I just can't make time for my veggie garden this year with so much happening.

AWL 🤗🌺❤️

I understand busy, sis! That's my middle initial, hahaha!
But don't forget to "smell the roses"! My Double Delight smells so fragrant. But the sun is scorching the flowers to death!!!
Hugs and kisses, sis!
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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I Know you will Like this Ms. Saver @silversaver888

How bout - Lets Enjoy ~~ Autumn in Hobbitown.......


Job interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Me: I would say my biggest weakness is listening.

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It is exciting to harvest the harvest from your own garden, @silversaver888 I can imagine what you feel, on my small balcony I once harvested paprika, and I felt very proud of that.

Yes, @mjvdc, I can imagine the pride you felt!!!
I have not planted paprika ever! I use it as a spice and never run out of it in my pantry. Come to think of it, I don't even know how the plant looks like. It is certainly one that I will research, hahaha!
Thanks for commenting sis @mjvdc!
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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Ms. Saver @silversaver888
I went to the LCS today and got this........... Did you Buy any of these in 2018 ??


No, I don't have that. I started stacking 2016, and most of my silver are from 2016 up except for vintage stuff.

Such a great update on the vegetables 😊😎 they are growing well. Great to see the watermelon plant is having fruits too, even though planted late.
Yay… up to more fresh veggies 😉👋🏻😁

It's wonderful, @littlebee4, to see them growing and have fruits! It's a joy waking up to see the plants when I drink my coffee in the afternoon, and when I come home from work! Veggies... 😁😊 hahaha!
I hope you Sunday has been fruitful and fun! Enjoy your life in your new home @littlebee4... tht is my wish for you!
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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I love watching little sprouts 🌱 grow especially when a plant starts to have fruits…
I can imagine, that’s such a great thing to do on all occasions.
My Sunday was fun. We did a few things… had our first bbq too in the garden 😎🤩😊 yay… been a longggg time for us.
Thank you, I will enjoy it as long as it may last @silversaver888
We do know already it won’t be longer than 10 months… we will move before that again.
Have a great evening and super start of the new week 👋🏻☀️💃🏻
Bigg hugg 🤗🤗

!LUV 🌺🥰🤙🏻

The one thing I like about this is the branches hide the fruit and always came to know when someone is giving more attention.

Glad to know they're growing looks tasty tho!

Wish you a Great weekend ahead.

Yes, it's so funny because I always have to look under the leaves for their fruits. In my first house I planted extensively, and it was a challenge getting to the fruits. This time around, with practically no land to plant, it is much easier!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, @idksamad78699 !
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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The photo of the squash through the leaves excited me! Such a fun peek into how you discovered it!

And the watermelon- Yes!! homegrown watermelon is always the best in my experience :) Thanks for sharing the literal fruits of your labor with us, along with an important reminder to tap into the world around us more often @silversaver888!

Yes, @grindan! Live simple, make the most of the time you have... like planting. It does not take much to raise a garden, hehehe! Work to earn a living, save some money... party once is a while, give parties and don't forget your friends, give back to the community...
Simple life, @grindan !
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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It will be Sunday tomorrow in our country . And you've chosen the best way to enjoy the Sunday 😊❤️

Nothing beats going to the garden, @abrarhussain !
Happy Sunday!

Nice work on the planting.. everything looks healthy and cool..

Keeping busy always with worthwhile things, keeps me out of trouble, @fredaig !
Happy Sunday!


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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 122 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

We grew this year also zucchini, watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin, eggplant and lots of Habaneros


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Woot, woot!!! Veggies galore!
I love vegetables!
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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Some of us need a rest from our devices... the cellphones, the laptops... and appreciate the small things in life.

Good thing I did have it on, otherwise I would have missed this!

I absolutely take a rest and I couldn't agree with you more. My house on the shore has no cable or internet. It is a place of peace.

I love it. :)

Ahh... that's the life, @dswigle !
If only we can spend more days there.
You'll have to wait until you tire of working and make a decision!
You are awfully lucky, you have a respite.
Happy Sunday! Today I had no one to visit, hahaha, so I am home church early.
I can start working on my bread. And while that is proofing, I'll learn a new tune in the piano!
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

I am lucky and I forgot to say it... fortunate to have a respite, one so beautiful on top of everything else. Some days, it is nice to have nobody to visit. Working on regular life, making bread, and learning a new piece on a piano. That is just a perfect way to spend a day.

Thanks for the tip!

Every day I thank my Mom and Dad for everything I have. That is why I work so diligently and to the best if my ability. I did not start from zero, and that is a HUGE plus.
I had a wonderful, wonderful Sunday!!! So restful!
Have a lovely Monday, @dswigle !
Now, off to work!!!

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And if I get my inheritance early!! :)

In due time, @dswigle, in due time!
There is some pluses and minuses to it.
Lucky for me I was surrounded by sorority sisters, who are all level-headed when I wasn't!
A long story... but bless our parents for being prudent. I follow their example!!!
Hugs and kisses 🤗😘

Me too! I was certainly kidding. :) God Blessed my life richly. I am very fortunate! ❤️

I remember one year when we had put a rotting pumpkin just over the hill in a composting area. That next summer, we found to our surprise, this monstrosity of a pumpkin patch and got quite a few very large pumpkins (15+ pounds each!). I was excited I didn't really need to go purchasing them that year. Since that year, we've not had any 'volunteers' even though we still put the decaying pumpkins there. Maybe someday, I'll have another surprise!

Your garden grows well sis! You do indeed, have a green thumb! Love ya much sis!🤗😘🌸💞 !LADY

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Wow, the pumpkin knows how to survive!!! You see, they just survive. No need for a green thumb, hehehe!
Love you much sis, 🤗😘
!LADY 😍🌺🤙

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😘🤗🌸💞 Love ya back!

Ms Saver @silversaver888
At The Wedge where I grew up as a Kid...........

Very nice, @stokjockey. Waves are not too big, but breaks fast.


Thanks @ladiesofhive !LADY

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It looks like a lovely garden at your backyard💯🥰

I guess the water melon is still quite small by normal standard which may be why you didn't see it at first.