Mexican on Market Friday

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)

My friends and I had dinner the other night. We chose a Mexican Restaurant. I don't know why. For sure, Mexican places are popular here!

It is mostly outdoor dining, with only three tables set up inside. The main restaurant structure houses the kitchen and bar. There is also a larger bar outside.

The restaurant is pretty full, but nobody is seated in the dining area. Outdoor seating is lovely and is preferred!

By the décor of the restaurant, you would think that the owner is woman-centered. Just look at the painting and art displayed. Hmmm... let's just say that she is pro-women!

Oh, I almost forgot the food! This is a restaurant after all.

The menu was typical. We shared Ceviche made of mixed fish and shrimps, and Guacamole topped with with toasted pepitas and cotija.

For entrée I had POZOLE ROJO, a traditional Mexican stew made with hominy in a juajillo broth. Garnished w/ cabbage, radish, oregano.

Both my girlfriends had Fish Tacos.

We chit-chatted over dinner and had lots of laughs over silly things. Before we knew it, two and a half hours had passed, and it was time to say our good-byes.


#MarketFriday is initiated by @dswigle. Let us join her as we share our markets around the world. And she challenges us to read one or two posts, commenting, voting, or reposting each other. Cool!

Best Regards,


All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone6, unless specified.

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Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!

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Totally cool images...

I'd love to chill in a place like this. The art could so calm one's nerves

You like it? I should take more pictures of restaurants.
They are interesting, @ebingo!
I wonder how often they change their décor?

Love it...very interesting

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Ms. Saver @silversaver888
You Know I Love Avocados and Guacamole is Always Awesome........

Hmm... I did not know that, @stokjockey!
Have you have avocados with cream?

Thanks for the token!

I have Not had Avocados with Cream Ms. Saver






@silversaver888, you've been given LUV from @stokjockey.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/1)

I'm glad you had a great time. This is important in the difficult situation in which we all found ourselves with this virus. But life goes on!

Yes, we had a marvelous time!
Its pretty strict here in California.
I guess that why nobody is inside, although the tables are far apart.
Everyone is with mask, and you take it out when you eat.
Life has to go on, @animal-shelter.
I hope it will normalize soon.

I must admit I am not a huge fan of Mexican food, but I do love the ambiance and style of that restaurant

Have a good day and an even better weekend

There are selected Mexican foods that are very tasty. Not all.
Are you prepared for the weekend?
I need to just rest, but focused on getting used to this laptop.
I am tempted to just get me a more powerful one, ARRRGH!!!

Well I hope you can get some rest over the week and rejuvenate

Nothing much planned for us

I'll just go give food to the hungry, and I hope to get some rest!
Thank you, @tattoodjay!

That’s so nice if you enjoy your day

I think the interior of most Mexican restaurants are almost similar, they have some identical decorations because I also found similarities a lot between Kharkiv's Mexican restaurant and the restaurant you have visited. And yes, people always prefer outdoor sitting except in winter. The food looks delicious. I hope you had a nice dinner...

We had a nice time together, the food taking a secondary place, hehe 😄.
Yeah, unless you are looking at truly upscale restaurant, the décor are similar for the theme Mexican.
I wanted to order CARNITAS, but ordered the Pozole instead and disappointed that it did not have enough hominy, haha 🤣.

I mostly love tacos and buritos, I haven't tried these foods, only tried Fajitas but next time will try these foods too :D

Ms. Saver @silversaver888
I Can't Wait until you do your Next SteemMonsters Post Young Lady................

Oh yeah... I need to do a #splinterland post.
How many presale pack do you have?

More than an Addict Needs. But I am Sure I will Keep Getting More........... Just Remember you can Buy All you want for $4.00 per Pack in a Couple of Months without needing Vouchers.............

hello dear friend @silversaver888 good morning
Mexican restaurants are very popular in much of the world; That one you have visited looks very good
I appreciate that you let us know these beautiful images
I wish you a wonderful weekend

I an truly looking for authentic flavor Mexican food, @jlufer.
When I find one, I'll let the you know!
Have a fantastic weekend!

That I miss here in Holland ,,, a good Mexican restaurant. It tasted so good when we were in New Mexico (Santa Fe ) Tonight I will serve duckbreast which is also yummie ofcourse

Share you recipe, will ya?
I want to try all foods, @goldrooster.

It is just like the better steaks but preparation is a bit different. Duck breast has a layer of fat on one side (that will disappear while baking). It must be fresh and of good quality and I used 225 gramms here.
First cut some diagonal lines in the fat side of the filet.
Then you bake in a thick pan on the fat side of the duck filet first for 2-3 minutes (really heat up the pan first) DO not use oil or butter!!! Turn it over and bake the other side for a minute and moderate the fire. Now continue on the fat side for another 5 minutes and 2 on the other side. (Use the fluids/fat to drip on the meat a few times)
Rest in alufoil for 5-7 minutes while preparing side dishes.
Cut the meat in slices and serve.

Alternative: Get peking duck from your nearby Chinese Restaurant

I must say!

Dinner with friends.... very nice.... add great food ?.... devine.

Glad you had a good time.

We had a great evening!
Made me forget stuff I had to do, haha🤣
I wish I could retire!
20 more years!!!!!

Oh! That looks like an amazing night out and some super yummy food! Lovely restaurant, too. They've created a really nice atmosphere.

It was clean!
I like clean restaurants.
Restrooms which are very roomy...

That looks like an awesome place to have dinner and spend your evening! How nice to have so much of it outdoors! Here, you would drown, lol! Mexican food is awesome! Thanks for sharing sis!🤗😘🌸💕

But I bet you during non-raining days, outdoor seating is nice there.
Nowadays, California is about outdoor seating!

Hugs and Kisses sis 🥰🌺🤙!!!!

Hugs and kisses back at you, sis!🤗😘💕🌸. You have the climate to do so for sure. Me, not so much!

I love restaurants like this @silversaver888.....
Good food, and eye catching eclectic decor, before you know it hours slip by!😇
That's the earmark of a very good restaurant my friend!

I really should take photos of all restaurants I visit.
They can be quite interesting!
It's just funny when you take photos is public.

I understand what you are saying @silversaver888..... I Silence my phone, so it doesn't make the camera sound, and even then I try to be candid some people are funny about getting photographed. I try to respect peoples wishes............😇

Yeah... you got it! 😐


I have never tried Mexican food! I can see myself visiting such a place with the family and spending hours chit-chatting ha!