Name the Trees on Wednesday Walk

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)

I went around the block not far from my office for Wednesday Walk by @tattoodjay.

It occurred to me, after taking these photos, that I hardly know much about trees.

Other than the basics and knowing the names of a few trees, I know not much about this wonderful creation.

So I decided I will learn about the trees that are in this lot.

I glance upon them, and gosh, they have been here ever since I've been working here.

They are like people, ignored by me, and they are just there!

How would you feel if you were ignored for years and years?!

So I walked to each tree and took a photo of each one. These were planted for shade. All of them are more that 15 years old, and they are much older that since I have worked in the area for that long.

When I have the time, I'll find out by researching the names of each of these trees. I have no idea what they are!

Do you know these trees? Except for the two trees below, I don't have the faintest clue.

These two trees above are called "Windmill Palm Tree". It is one of the most cold-tolerant of the palm tree varieties. The Windmill Palm, Scientific name is Trachycarpus fortunei.

The windmill palm has fan-shaped leaves that are 3 feet in length, and which give the tree its name. The leaf shafts produce fibers that cover the trunk and can be made into ropes, mats, brushes, brooms, or even hats. The leaves are also sometimes used in thatched roofs.

Source: The Spruce

Further down, I chance upon these tiny Daisy like flowers.

Are the purple flowers from the same plant as the white flowers?
They look like Erigeron!

Flower. #AlwaysAFlower1.


Join us for #wednesdaywalk of @tattoodjay. It is so much fun. It is in collaboration with @elizacheng's #makemesmile challenge.


1#alwaysaflower is a tag by @dswigle!

It is also for Show Us Your California by @derekrichardson.

All photos, gif, and video were taken by me with my iPhone6, unless specified.

Thank you for stopping by to view this article.

I post an article daily, and I hope to see you again soon!

Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!



Sure. Fleabane, Erigeron … same, same. Beautiful trees. How nice to give them their due. Trees are so much a part of our life.


Thank you @dswigle!
Is it Friday already?
I post tomorrow!!!

I remember probably well over a year ago Liz had to have her car computer brain replaced. I found several Windmill Palm Tree's just 35 miles south of us at the car dealership. When I posted the photo @silversaver888, you were the only person that knew of this tree!😀

Oh yes, I remember that post!
And yes, I identified the tree, @silvertop.
It's the few trees that I know of, hehehe 😀!

It was strange to see these growing so far up north, I remember thinking that they were not real!!😇


I went to visit the wife's grave today.
She still thinks it's going to be a fishpond.

Credit: reddit
@silvertop, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @silversaver888
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Ms. Saver @silversaver888


I found nasty month-old leftover mac and cheese in the fridge.
It was a case of age-related macaroni degeneration.

Credit: reddit
@silversaver888, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @stokjockey
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I threw a boomarang a few years ago that never came back.
I now live in constant fear.

Credit: bulldog-joy
@stokjockey, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @silversaver888
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I'm no Arborist but I have trimmed dead and obtrusive branches with my Katana.

Always, with love 🤗🌺❤️

I can just imagine you doing it... with your katana!
You're pretty good at it, sis.

Hugs and kisses 🤗🌺❤️

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Thank you very much, @Poshtoken!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 98 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks for the BEER and the rehive, @pixresteemer!

Hey @silversaver888, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

I do love trees but I really am slack fir knowing the types of tree so I can’t help with naming any of them
But they are all so beautiful and green

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


I made a reply which was 55% relevant to your lovely post a d 45% gushy "LOVE U SADIE" type stuff, and ecency had a brain Fart so I lost it 🙃😿😿😿
LUCKILY fore, i don't look like a fool or a love struck puppy 🤣🤣🤣

Love U anyways, MISS SADIE 💓

Thank you @underground.
Once in a while, drop by!🤩

Me too, @tattoodjay!
It is only through Wednesday Walk that I have been made more aware...
all things are beautiful, and I don't want to take them for grated anymore.

Its always nice to hear how the Wednesday walk motivates people i must say

Have a Super Saturday

Now that's true
Ms. Saver


Hello friend, that is very true, sometimes we spend our lives ignoring the beauty that we have around us, because we do not enjoy anything, everything becomes pure work and fulfill obligations, forgetting that the true value of life is to enjoy the simplest things such as those beautiful trees that are responsible for making the landscape pleasant and provide shade and oxygen.

Yeah, sadly that is so true!!!
I will be more conscious this time!
Take care @cristanza42.

Hey sis! There is this app called plantsnap; available on the app store and I imagine the Google store if you don't have iPhone. You can snap a pic of the leaves with it and it will tell you the species and description with some details. Very handy for those treks into the forest or wherever and you just have to know what that plant is! I highly recommend it. Awesome pics by the way! Take care and thanks for sharing!🤗😘❤️🌹🌳

Good to know!!!
I will for sure need that, so that you for mentioning it.

Hugs and kisses, sis 🤗😘❤️

I love trees mainly because of the canopy shade they provide..and of course, the cool breeze that comes when under them.
I guess when you knew the trees were 15 years old or more..the trees would be like* Hey we're older than your employment here .🤣*

Hahaha 🤣...
I love my job... it is unique,
very few have that as a career.
I guess if I stop working, I'll stop all together!!!

Yes.. So the tree is tied to your job now..😀