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RE: Spend Less Than What You Earn

in Ladies of Hivelast year

It will take massive education, attitude, and mindset changes. Parents of today MUST educate their children on finances, setting an example themselves.
For most people, there is one major purchase that requires credit, and that is a HOME. For this reason alone you have to keep at least one credit card in order to generate a FICO score. But other than maintaining that, avoid credit like a plague!!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It will take massive education, attitude, and mindset changes.

One quick way to achieve these goals, unfortunately, is the collapse of the existing system. This can be due to the bankruptcy of the political government, or to the collapse of the currency (even including USD). Short of that, erroneous knowledge will continue to reign. While "The Great Reset" is not what we want, some sort of reset is necessary.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I one hundred percent agree @silversaver888!😇
I unfortunately see a whole generation growing up and living in apartments and never owning a home!
I am not sure what will happen when these apartment dwellers are too old to work, and have no equity, and no way to pay rent !😲


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta