Fidelity and love – LOH # 162 Contest

in Ladies of Hive6 months ago


Photo by Joshua Earle

Greetings to all, in this beautiful Ladies of Hive Community. Heeding the call of this contest number 162, today I return to participate. Here I share this week's invitation.

This time I will answer the first question of the contest: (1) Do you believe in lifelong fidelity?

Do you believe in lifelong fidelity?

This is an important question, which requires an honest answer. First we must define what fidelity is, and in my opinion, it is a human value, which implies loyalty, commitment, attachment, perseverance towards a person, habit, practice or ideal. If we contextualize fidelity within the field of love, then we would be referring to the loyalty and commitment that we give to a romantic bond. In Western societies, fidelity is something expected and desirable, as it provides stability, trust and durability to relationships.

I think that fidelity is essential in relationships, be they courtships, marriages or concubinages, no matter what type of bond exists, for me it is absolutely necessary, because when we are with a person we love, we need to trust them, be sure that that person will honor the relationship, and respect our feelings and expectations.

However, currently there is a lot of relativization of values and principles, which is nothing more than a narrative devoid of ethics and morals. And under this approach, many people argue that fidelity is something relative, that it is dispensable in relationships, they even say that they can be faithful within an open relationship!, which is something really unusual because it is something mutually exclusive; or I wonder, how can you trust your partner if you are uncertain that they are sharing their time, feelings, energy and resources with someone else? How can you trust your partner if you perceive that he is lying to you and that he shares or “multiplexes” himself with one or more people? You couldn't, right?

A relationship is a very strong bond when it is assumed with commitment and fidelity, since you are related to another being in many areas: Physical, sentimental, energetic, emotional, psychological and even patrimonial; hence, it is necessary to have a partner who is absolutely reliable. In my opinion it is not viable to have several people with whom to share yourself at the same time. However, talking about lifelong fidelity may or may not be viable, and this is because humans are mutable, and it is natural. And I say that we are mutable, because every day we experience new experiences, which allow us to learn or unlearn. And these experiences can also modify our points of view and our opinions which, undoubtedly, can strengthen or weaken the bonds of a couple.

I will speak from my personal experience. When I first got married, I thought it would be a lifelong marriage. I saw myself and my first husband, being together, already old, and very happy; but this did not happen, it was not possible. So this failure showed me that relationships are not forever, even when we are faithful, committed and very in love with the other person, because there are circumstances and factors that do not allow us to continue with that relationship; however, it is essential that while the relationship lasts, we are absolutely faithful and that we demand the same from the other party. We do nothing by being faithful, while the other is unfaithful and disrespectful to us, because allowing that would be betraying ourselves, and the first and most important lifelong fidelity that we must have is towards ourselves, without this implying harm or violate others.

Here I end my post, where I have told you about my opinion regarding lifelong fidelity. A hug for everyone.

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  • The dividers used are courtesy of @eve66 who shares beautiful designs that embellish the layout of our post.


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We can believe in fidelity, the difficult thing is to find someone who decides to remain faithful to us, because being faithful is a decision, I share your opinion, I don't know how there are so many open relationships nowadays, I couldn't, to tell you the truth.

Sometimes it is complicated, but it is possible, I tell you this after having several failures. Yes there are faithful men. Thanks for stopping by, greetings and happy week @noalys

Fidelity is subjective. I mean, every couple has its own concept of loyalty after all

Hi @danigada18

With all due respect, I differ from your opinion. It is precisely the relativization and accommodation of values ​​and principles that generate part of the problems we have in today's society. I understand well that each culture has its own nuances, but there are things that are universal, and fidelity is one of them.

Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. Have a great week.

I agree 100%, the first fidelity is with ourselves. I hope we all internalize it and learn, so we would have less problems in relationships.


Absolutely. Being true to ourselves, without harming others, is the main thing. Thank you very much for reading and commenting, and thank you also for posing the questions for this week's contest, they are great.

Greetings @tibaire

Aunque la fidelidad es muy fácil de romper y ahora hasta las mujeres se emparejan con los hombres en esto. Lo considero vital principalmente en un matrimonio. Eso sí, cuando se acaba el amor es mejor expresarlo y no cometer ese error. Muchísimo éxito en la semana @sirenahippie un abrazo.

Although fidelity is very easy to break and now even women are paired with men in this. I consider it vital mainly in a marriage. Of course, when love ends it is better to express it and not make that mistake. Much success in the week @sirenahippie a hug.

Es cierto @sacra97, actualmente hay mucha falta de ética, de pudor, pérdida de respeto. La destrucción de las instituciones tradicionales, como la familia, ha generado eso, y claro, las narrativas que venden de que todo está bien, de tener varias parejas es cool... creo que lo que subyace es un gran vacío existencial, y mucho hedonismo. También estoy de acuerdo contigo, es mejor ser sinceros y romper por lo sano, que perpetuar algo que ya no funciona.

Muchas gracias por tu buen comentario. Que tengas una semana genial. Un abrazo grande para tí también.

When we marry, we take a vow. Everyone needs to remember and stick by that. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!🤗💜

Unfortunately, people have selective memories, and they can forget those votes, which undoubtedly erodes relationships. Thank you very much for stopping by to read and comment. Have a great day too.