We all deserve to be loved: Love is a Universal Language ❤️

in Ladies of Hive • 2 years ago (edited)

Hi Ladies of Hive, I am @sishi a newbie for the Hive and for this community.
Hope you all welcome me dearly and hope you would enjoy my words.😀

I am going to share the feeling of Love.



Is it a feeling?
I think it is a universal language, from mom's womb to now we feel it. When we are toddlers, we used to use love as our basic communication language since we can't spell a word.

When we are adults, we use love for the same reason, since we don't have much strength to communicate.

In between, we are struggling to understand it so hard. Sometimes we are fooling around thinking we understood love but actually we don't, because it is a language and we can't understand it fully.

Does it have an alphabet?
Yeah, it does, there are many forms of love so we can take them as the love alphabet. These are the letters that I could recognize so far for the love alphabet.
● Caring
● Respect
● Helping
● Available
● Comforting
● No Secrets
● Trust
● Open up
● Forgiving
● Liking
● Remembering little details
● Celebrating small wins
● Spending quality time
● Sharing everything
● Touches ( physically and mentally)
● Little talks
● long talks
● Expressing feelings
● Accepting faults and flaws

Well it may be the longest Alph. ( help me to fill it)
I am sure you all feel love, maybe in different forms from different persons in different life stages.

I am sure that you won't forget any love completely you received or you gave. As humans, we are gifted to feel that universal language in different ways.

Love the way you love and love the way you receive the love. We all deserve to understand the "love" and we all deserve to feel that.

Hope to continue the Hive journey with you. Laters Hivers!


Hello @sishi
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Thanks for sharing.
"Love the way you love and love the way you receive the love."

Thank you for the warm welcome @silversaver888 ❤️

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