(ESP/ENG) Mi participación en el concurso #91 de la comunidad Ladies of Hive / My participation in the contest #91 of the Ladies of Hive community

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

¡Hola a todas las damas de ésta comunidad! Me animé a participar también en éste nuevo concurso, ya que desde hace años (creo que desde mi propia infancia), mi vida ha sido motivada por la música. Cuando era niña, veía muchas caricaturas, como la gran mayoría. Pero mis favoritas siempre fueron las animaciones japonesas, ya que en ellas, presentan una canción antes y después de cada episodio. Y como en ese tiempo, muchas de esas series eran dobladas al español, tuve la oportunidad de escuchar tonadas bastante buenas que se quedaron en mi memoria, aún después de volverme una adulta, pues tengo cierta facilidad para memorizar tonadas. Y es que, el funcionamiento de mi mente siempre me ha "confundido", puedo olvidar cientos de cosas, personas y situaciones que viví en el pasado (y de hecho, no tengo casi recuerdos de cuando era niña), pero las canciones de mi infancia, siguen en mi memoria y de vez en cuando, las busco para cantarlas o simplemente, canto sin pista de fondo ja ja.

Hello to all the ladies of this community! I was encouraged to also participate in this new contest, since for years (I think since my own childhood), my life has been motivated by music. When I was a child, I watched a lot of cartoons, like the vast majority. But my favorites were always the Japanese animations, since in them, they present a song before and after each episode. And since at that time, many of those series were dubbed into Spanish, I had the opportunity to listen to quite good tunes that stayed in my memory, even after I became an adult, because I have a certain facility for memorizing tunes. And it is that, the functioning of my mind has always "confused" me, I can forget hundreds of things, people and situations that I lived in the past (and in fact, I have almost no memories of when I was a child), but the songs of my childhood, they are still in my memory and from time to time, I look for them to sing them or simply, I sing without a background track ha ha.


Nombra una canción, cualquier canción, alegre o triste, que te conmueve el corazón y el alma cada vez que la escuchas. ¿Qué recuerdos, sentimientos, emociones e imágenes trae la canción? ¿Hay una historia que va con la canción?

Pero bueno, de todas esas canciones, decidí hablarles de dos que marcaron unos momentos cruciales en mi vida... La primera, pertenece a la animación japonesa "Cyber cat Kuro-chan" y la canción se llama Positive vibration (Vibra positiva). Recuerdo que en esos años cuando la transmitían por televisión, yo tenía como unos diez u once años. No era una niña muy popular, como era muy tímida, no tenía amigos, lo que me llevaba a sentirme la mayoría del tiempo sola. Así que solía sumergirme en historias y fantasías en mi mente, para distraerme y no sentirme tan solitaria. Las caricaturas me ayudaron bastante, sobre todo esta de las que les hablo, pues a pesar de ser una serie destinada al público infantil, se tocan temas serios y tristes, como lo era la soledad en la que estaba sumergido el protagonista (kuro chan). Quedé fascinada con este anime y la trama me conmovió. No recuerdo del todo actualmente esos momentos que me embelesaron, pero sin duda, la canción del outro o de los créditos finales, era mi favorita, porque en ella, se relataba lo melancólico que podía llegar a sentirse el protagonista, pero a pesar de todo, él seguía adelante. Así qué, cuando me sentía deprimida, solía cantarla para darme ánimos y hoy, después de muchos años, puedo asegurar que aún la escucho y mi interior se llena de un cálido sentimiento. Sin duda, una canción que me salvó en mi dolencia infantil.

Name a song, any song, happy or sad, that stirs your heart and soul everytime you hear it. What memories, feelings, emotions, and images does the song bring back? Is there a story that goes with the song?

Well, of all those songs, I decided to tell you about two that marked some crucial moments in my life... The first belongs to the Japanese animation "Cyber ​​cat Kuro-chan" and the song is called Positive vibration ( Positive vibe). I remember that in those years when they broadcast it on television, I was about ten or eleven years old. I was not a very popular girl, as I was very shy, I had no friends, which led me to feel lonely most of the time. So I used to immerse myself in stories and fantasies in my mind, to distract myself and not feel so lonely. The cartoons helped me a lot, especially this one I am talking about, because despite being a series aimed at children, serious and sad topics are touched on, such as the loneliness in which the protagonist was immersed (kuro chan) . I was fascinated with this anime and the plot moved me. I don't completely remember those moments that captivated me, but without a doubt, the song of the outro or the final credits was my favorite, because in it, it was recounted how melancholy the protagonist could feel, but despite everything , he kept going. So, when I was feeling down, I used to sing it to cheer myself up and today, after many years, I can assure you that I still listen to it and my insides are filled with a warm feeling. Without a doubt, a song that saved me in my childhood ailment.

Como sólo conseguí la canción en latino, aquí les dejo la traducción que hallé en inglés:

Since I only got the song in Latin, here is the translation I found in English:

Even if I get hurt, even if I get broken, I'll resurrect no matter how many times
That's right, I'm an immortal cyborg
I won't lose, I won't flee, I will never give up
I'm a hotblood-hearted cyborg
Once in a while I get a bit nostalgic about the past
When I had a freely-spent kitty life
I fell in love, I had dreams, I took afternoon naps back then
But to protect grandpa and grandma
To save my friends
I fire away my bullets of justice
Today, I'm still in the positive vibration
Positive vibration
Positive vibration

La otra canción de la que les hablaré, es más de mis dramas de adulto... En mi país (Venezuela), hubieron unos años en los que se pasaron situaciones muy fuertes y en mi caso, llegué a pensar que no podía seguir adelante... Fue entonces que estrenaron una canción que tras oírla, sentí que era una manera en la que el universo me decía: "No te rindas, tu puedes." Se llama La Cima y es de "Charliepapa". Su letra es sencillamente hermosa y su mensaje, me acompañó todo ese tiempo en el que mis ánimos se mantuvieron gracias a ella, así pareciera que todo estuviese derrumbándose a mi alrededor. Aún la pongo cuando necesito un pequeño empujón. Es sin duda, una buena manera de reponerse.

The other song I'm going to tell you about is more about my adult dramas... In my country (Venezuela), there were a few years in which very strong situations happened and in my case, I came to think that I couldn't go on ... It was then that they premiered a song that after hearing it, I felt that it was a way in which the universe told me: "Don't give up, you can." It's called La Cima and it's from "Charliepapa". Her lyrics are simply beautiful and her message accompanied me all that time in which my spirits were maintained thanks to her, so it seemed that everything was collapsing around me. I still put it on when I need a little push. It is certainly a good way to recover.

Aquí, la letra en inglés de la canción:

Here, the English lyrics of the song:

The wind and the sun sleep
burn your cheeks
Withdrawn you imagine what it would be like
You haven't lost your courage, but every day
It goes tilting the way to the top
It never gets dark, for those who dream everything
Never give up, who has healed alone
It always dawns, for the one who delivers everything
Never give up, because there is no other way
Another chance passes so quickly
The ice falls and covers you with melancholy
You haven't lost your courage, but every day
It goes tilting the way to the top

It never gets dark, for those who dream everything
Never give up, who has healed alone
Would you like a shortcut [LalalaLa]
More serve a thousand failures [LalalaLa]
You can step by step [LalalaLa]
More serve a thousand failures
It always dawns, who has healed alone
Never give up, the one who plays everything

Como pudieron notar, estas dos canciones son importantes para mi, porque en esos momentos de suma melancolía, fueron como un salvavidas que impidieron que me ahogara en el mar de mis emociones y pensamientos negativos. Aún las escucho y generan en mi ser, diferentes sensaciones. Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante. Me gustaría invitar a participar en ésta oportunidad a mi amiga @kimi-gon 💖

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!

As you can see, these two songs are important to me, because in those moments of extreme melancholy, they were like a lifeline that prevented me from drowning in the sea of ​​my emotions and negative thoughts. I still listen to them and they generate different sensations in my being. Thank you very much for visiting my publication. I hope you found it interesting. I would like to invite my friend @kimi-gon to participate in this opportunity 💖

See you next time!

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I found your selection
of a cartoon song as your favorite song
unique, refreshing and nostalgic!

Thank you for your entry to
the Ladies of Hive Contest Round #91


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Many times the only thing that catches me from an animated series is its soundtrack and if it manages to capture my heart, it will be in my memory for a long time. Thank you for visiting my publication and for commenting 🤗

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I understand what is like to be a loner especially in my high school years and I did not do very well academically. Got into Metal, Punk & Goth music that kept most other students away. I've long toned/softened down since.


It seems that lonely people always find a way to find company, whether through reading or music, it's amazing how a song or a musical genre can help us drain those emotions that we often want to show to others. For me, music is the best escape, I love instrument solos, especially electric guitar ones, they are the best! hehe Thank you for visiting the publication and for commenting a little about your experience 🤗

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