(ESP/ENG) Participación en el concurso # 81 de la comunidad Ladies of Hive / Participation in the contest # 81 of the Ladies of Hive community

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

¡Hola a todos los integrantes de ésta comunidad! Actualmente en donde estoy residenciada, no cuento con nada de espacio ni zona con tierra. Pero cuando estuve en mi casa, hace unos años atrás intenté tener mi propia huerta. Sembré de todo un poco: Tomates cherris, granos, maíz y calabazas. Pero como no era un terreno muy fértil, costaba para que crecieran las plantas, aún así, pude recoger varias cosechas que durante ese tiempo, me ayudaron bastante a la hora de cocinar.

Hello to all the members of this community! Currently where I am residing, I do not have any space or area with land. But when I was at home, a few years ago, I tried to have my own garden. I planted a little of everything: cherry tomatoes, grains, corn and pumpkins. But since it was not a very fertile land, it was difficult for the plants to grow, even so, I was able to harvest several crops that during that time, helped me a lot when it came to cooking.


Si planeas cultivar una huerta, ¿Cuál es tu verdura favorita para cultivar y para qué platos la usas? ¡Siéntete libre de incluir una receta especial usando ese vegetal!

Si tuviera de nuevo la oportunidad de sembrar, sembraría brócoli que es mi vegetal favorito. Ni idea de cómo se siembre, pero sería muy feliz si pudiera disponer de grandes cantidades de brócoli cuando quisiera. Me gustan muchísimo los vegetales, pero si tuviera que escoger uno de ellos, sin lugar a dudas escogería ese vegetal. Y es que, aunque me guste también la coliflor, el sabor del brócoli, es para mí, mucho más intenso, incluso al cocinarlo, su aroma hace que se despierten todos mis sentidos. Es sin duda, una caricia al paladar... aunque claro, no todos lo aprecien ja ja ja

If you plan to grow a vegetable garden, what is your favorite vegetable to grow and what dishes do you use if for? Feel free to include a special recipe using that vegetable!

If I had the opportunity to grow crops again, I would plant broccoli which is my favorite vegetable. No idea how it is grown, but I would be very happy if I could have large quantities of broccoli whenever I wanted. I really like vegetables, but if I had to choose one of them, without a doubt I would choose that vegetable. And it is that, although I also like cauliflower, the flavor of broccoli is, for me, much more intense, even when cooking it, its aroma awakens all my senses. It is, without a doubt, a caress to the palate... although of course, not everyone appreciates it ha ha ha


(Todos te odian... pero yo te amo 💚🥦 / Everyone hates you... but I love you 💚🥦)

Por lo general, me gusta comerlo simplemente hervido con un poco de sal o con mayonesa. Pero, también me gusta añadírselo al chop suey, hacerlo en cremas o en torticas. Dado que son recetas bastante sencillas (o yo las elaboro sin tanta complicación), les diré como realizarlas.

En el caso de la Crema de brócoli: pongo a hervir el brócoli hasta que quede lo suficientemente suave, luego lo licuo junto a un ajo y demás condimentos al gusto. dejo enfriar y sirvo. Es realmente una delicia. Se puede acompañar con pan o galletas saladas.

Para el Chop Suey: Corto varios vegetales, incluyendo el brócoli, que es nuestro ingrediente estrella. Los coloco en una olla, sazonada con salsa de soya, un toque de azúcar, sal, harina de trigo, cubito de pollo y adobo. Se deja cocinar hasta que todos los vegetales estén en su punto. Perfecto para acompañar con arroz, pasta o como relleno para empanadas.

Las torticas fue de las últimas recetas que me atreví a realizar: Se pone a sancochar el brócoli junto a una zanahoria, hasta que estén muy suaves. Una vez listos se escurren y se trituran, se le coloca un huevo, harina de trigo y condimento al gusto. Se remueve hasta obtener una mezcla que luego se lleva a la sartén aceitada. Se cocinan de un lado y luego al voltearlas, se aplastan para que se cocinen por dentro. Son una delicia junto a una buena taza de café.

I usually like to eat it just boiled with a little salt or with mayonnaise. But, I also like to add it to chop suey, make it into creams or pancakes. Since they are quite simple recipes (or I make them without much complication), I will tell you how to make them.

In the case of the Cream of broccoli: I boil the broccoli until it is soft enough, then I blend it with garlic and other seasonings to taste. let cool and serve. It is really a delight. It can be accompanied with bread or crackers.

For the Chop Suey: I chop several vegetables, including broccoli, which is our star ingredient. I place them in a pot, seasoned with soy sauce, a touch of sugar, salt, wheat flour, chicken cube and marinade. Let it cook until all the vegetables are ready. Perfect to accompany with rice, pasta or as a filling for empanadas.

The pancakes was one of the last recipes that I dared to make: Parboil the broccoli together with a carrot, until they are very soft. Once ready, they are drained and crushed, an egg, wheat flour and seasoning to taste are placed on it. It is stirred until a mixture is obtained, which is then taken to the oiled frying pan. They are cooked on one side and then when flipped, they are flattened so that they cook on the inside. They are a delight with a good cup of coffee.



(Hasta a mi gato le gusta el brócoli / Even my cat likes broccoli)

Me gustaría probar nuevas recetas con brócoli, para saber de qué otra manera me puede llegar a gustar. Me recomendaron comerlo a vapor, pero necesitaría comprar una rejilla. También me lo recomendaron crudo en ensaladas. Eso me recuerda que una vez una amiga me dijo que le encantaba comerlo con mantequilla, así que me atreví a probarlo... a mí, en lo personal, no me gustó esa combinación je je pero bueno, entre gustos y colores, así como hay personas que no les gusta comer brócoli, a mi no me gusta echarle mantequilla ja ja

I would like to try new recipes with broccoli, to see how else I can like it. I was recommended to steam it, but I would need to buy a rack. It was also recommended raw in salads. That reminds me that once a friend told me that she loved eating it with butter, so I dared to try it... Personally, I didn't like that combination, hehe, but well, between tastes and colors, as well as there are people who don't like to eat broccoli, I don't like to put butter on it ha ha



Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante. me gustaría invitar a participar a @maisugar

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!

Thank you very much for visiting my publication. I hope you found it interesting. I would like to invite @maisugar to participate

See you next time!



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Broccoli is a very nutritious vegetable and very versatile. They say that the nutrition that is in the broccoli crowns and stalks is amplified in the broccoli sprouts, which adds another level to adding those to salads. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

Wow, thank you very much for the information, I eat it because I think it's very delicious, but I had no idea that it would contribute so much to the body hehe if they had told me that cooking it a lot makes it lose its properties... so I'll try to try it in salads hehe thanks for commenting!! 💖

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El brocoli es un super vegetal, verde que te quiero verde. El verde es vida y salud. Los medicos mandan a comer muchos vegetales verdes y es que ellos son antioxidantes.

jajaja yo amo el verde, el brócoli y la mayoría de los vegetales. Soy feliz comiendo de ellos diario. Gracias por pasarte por mi publicación y por comentar 💖

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I like broccoli raw for salads or on their own, broccoli with butter, Cream of broccoli soup, and broccoli in chop suey. I wonder how broccoli in pancakes will taste! I better try it, hahaha!
Thanks for sharing, @suezoe
and take care!

Wow, many have already told me that raw is delicious too, I definitely have to try it so ha ha go ahead and make those pancakes, I love them!!! Thank you for visiting the publication and for commenting! 💖

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Of course, @suezoe !
I read you!
Take care.

I tried to grow s few broccoli before but ended up up small and spindly. Better for me to buy it from my grocery.
I can eat it raw with a salad dressing dip, Drop it into a stir fry, steamed until bright green, or drop a few florets into a ramen noodle soup, I love broccoli too.

Certainly the cultivation process requires a lot of work and even so, that does not guarantee that our harvest will be good hehe it happened to me but with some pumpkins...

Oh, I've never tasted it raw. I think I'll dare one of these days hehe in the ramen??? 😲 I definitely have to try it!! Thanks for the idea heh heh and of course thanks for stopping by the publication and for encouraging you to comment!! 💖

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Jaja a mi también me encanta 😋

es que es demasiado divino!!!💖

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