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RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #144 - Dealing with Racial Injustice

in Ladies of Hive10 months ago

That's how racial injustice will be conquered! Being silent about it would've given the manager more leeway to do it to other people. Judging people based on their appearance and bringing preferential treatment out of it shouldn't be tolerated. Sadly, many still succumb to it. I hope things change for the better in the future with more people refusing to stay silent about it.


I see that many times people do not like it but they still shy away to avoid any kind of embarrassment by speaking out in public and that's where I feel it's wrong, because why should we feel embarrassed, the person who is doing it should feel it.

Exactly, they are the ones who should be corrected for their wrong behavior as it is against fundamental human rights. Shying away from speaking up does more harm than good in the long run.