You don't judge a book by it's cover: What people misunderstand about me

in Ladies of Hive7 months ago


Greetings community! Since childhood, I have always been questioned about the frown I always wear on my face. I got used to random strangers asking me questions like "Aunty, why are you frowning?".


It is so funny when I am walking on the street and a random stranger says "Aunty smile, na, why are you frowning?". Sometimes, I just reply by flashing a tired smile at the stranger. Just to show that I can smile too.

One thing they don't know is that I only do that whenever I am stressed out. I have received a lot of pep talks from people on how to always wear a smile on my face. One of my previous tutors even told me a story of two ladies; one loved smiling and the other loved frowning. The one who loved smiling kept looking younger, and the other one who loved frowning kept looking older than her age, which attracted a lot of questioning from people.

(Well, I smile too)
She ended the story by giving me a strict warning to keep the frown away from my face unless I wanted to look like the other lady who loved frowning. I have tried to adhere to her instructions, but I can't help it!


People often believe that the fact that I always wear a frown on my face means I am unfriendly or not easy to talk to.

This is one common misconception about me. People get shocked when they strike up conversations with me, and I respond accordingly, vibing along with them. A few of them have raised their observations about how friendly I am.

Some get even more shocked when I go out of my way to strike up conversations or even crack jokes with people. Whenever they make comments on my friendliness, I just tell them "You don't judge a book by its cover".

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I think that you might find other benefits of smiling apart from looking younger. In positive psychology, a smile or laughter is a great way for the body to produce happy hormones. The feeling of being happy especially when going through stressful moments or periods is essential for helping us to have a positive outlook on life. 🤗

Well, I learnt a new thing today. Thank you so much for this.

You're very welcome. The next time you're feeling sad, just start laughing (a deep belly laugh) and repeat the words;

I'm so sad
I'm so sad
I'm so sad

... and see how you feel, and see if it has a reverse effect.

Laughter makes us feel better, even if it's a fake laugh. It's always important for us to try and see the humourous side of all situations, as this is a great coping mechanism for handling stress.

I wish you lots of laughter and happiness 🤗

Thank you so much 😊

You're very welcome:)

Saludos @tofunmi185, leyendo tú post, me recuerdas a mi madre, las personas pensaban que era de mal carácter porque siempre estaba seria, pero cuando la conocían, se daban cuenta de la amabilidad que tenía en su ser.

People often believe that the fact that I always wear a frown on my face means I am unfriendly or not easy to talk to.

Got this kind of comments from other people too. When I don't smile or don't socialize with others, some think that I'm not easy to talk to but what they didn't know is that I'm exactly the opposite of what they think about me.

You have a beautiful smile and you look more beautiful with it. You should carry it more often.

People tend to misunderstand us a lot.

Thanks a lot for the compliments Aezie. I'll try my best to smile always.😁

You're welcome! Enjoy your day!

You too Aezie.

Thanks a lot!


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Hahaha😀! This is so much fun @tofunmi185 . So frowning can make someone age faster. I have also learnt a new thing today. And you look so beautiful when you smile. please just keep that smile. Thanks for sharing with us.

Thank you so much 😅

I love your smile really! I think some have imagined your beautiful face smiling so they ask immediately why you don't smile 😃

I hope you smile more, not for them but for you hehe.
Thanks for participating sis.

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Awwwwn, thank you so much.😊