LOH CONTEST 184: lessons learnt from being a mother

in Ladies of Hivelast month

Motherhood has been a journey filled with both joy and challenge, and one of the greatest lessons I've learned since becoming a mother is the power of patience. Before I had children, I thought I knew what patience was. But it wasn't until I became a mother that I truly understood its depth and significance.

From the moment my children were born, I quickly realized that they had minds and personalities of their own. They cried when they were hungry, tired, or uncomfortable, and they had no concept of time or schedules. As a new mother, I often found myself feeling overwhelmed and frustrated when things didn't go according to plan.

But over time, I learned to embrace the unpredictability of motherhood and to approach each day with a sense of patience and understanding. I discovered that sometimes, all it takes is a soothing voice and a gentle touch to calm a crying baby or a tantrum-throwing toddler. I learned to take a step back, breathe deeply, and remind myself that this phase, like all others, would eventually pass.

Through countless sleepless nights and endless diaper changes, I discovered the incredible strength and resilience that lies within me. I learned to trust my instincts as a mother and to have faith that everything would work out in the end. And most importantly, I learned to cherish every precious moment with my children, knowing that they grow up far too quickly.

Motherhood has taught me that patience is not just about waiting for things to happen, but about embracing the journey and finding peace in the midst of chaos. It's about recognizing that the rewards of motherhood far outweigh the challenges, and that every smile, every hug, and every "I love you" makes it all worthwhile.
all images are mine.


There is no doubt that motherhood changes a lot about you. When you think, you have patience, you will need to learn how to have more.

But the joy in all these is seeing the smiles of our little ones.
Thank you for sharing.

Thanks @rukkie,you get the point. That smile on their face wipes every anger you feel.

I can't say for everyone but that's how I feel.


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A mother's hope and love can endure many things @vickiee

Yea it can.

Thank you for your entry to our weekly contest! 😊


Yea, I'm actually looking forward to participating more.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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