#176 BLOG, LOH Some of the admirable things of a woman

in Ladies of Hive3 months ago

Hello @ladiesofhive, I was inactive for a consecutive days already. And today I'm grateful to share some thoughts in my head, about this week's writing journey.

March is a month for women. And we also have celebrated it last week. This is my thoughts about the things that I'd like the most of being a woman.


( Image is from pixabay free images)

To bear a child

One of the most wonderful thing that a woman can do, it to bear a child in her womb for 9 months, that's very rewarding. Maybe in some ways, it can be tiring and sacrificial but in the end, it was a priceless moment to see a child comes out from a woman. This was the most precious gift of being a woman, because it involves life, to care of, and be with them day by day. I'm so grateful with my mom for what she has sacrificed for me.


Yes we are. A woman can do a lot of things at a mom, cooking while washing, and babysitting.Moms can perform all the necessary task when her family needs it. That's a woman, we are a superwoman.

Represents beauty and talent

I am a fan of a pageant ladies, like Miss Universe, to see them representing beauty, looks and talents was overwhelming. A woman can makes the world beautiful, we can do fashion, and beautify ourselves and even our surroundings. Our beauty expresses what we are deep inside and it's our identity too.


I have a friend who is a single mom, and I appreciate on how she raised her kids alone for several years and helped them finished their school. She did a lot of things whether a task for a man or a woman, she made it for her family. We have that courage inside us, especially in times of trouble and scarcity, we can be able to make up different ideas so that we can still grow despite of our difficulties.

Hey! Woman, we can do it, keep of moving, stay strong, you are an inspiration to the coming generations.


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Women are superheroes, there's none like us


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Happy International Women's day @wenggo ❤️

There are many wonderful things that women have. Hugs

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