My Stepmother - Ladies of Hive Community Contest #76

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Do you have a real-life hero? If so, who would that be and why? From this question I will answer my stepmother, surely the ladies are curious, right? Because many children are rarely close to their stepmother. For this answer I have several reasons that I love her very much like my own mother.

Image source by : Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels
The age difference between me and my mother (my stepmother) is only 5 years, but my stepmother can position herself as a mother who is full of love. My biological mother died when I was in the 6th grade of elementary school, and my father remarried when I was in the 2nd grade of High School. Mama was the arbiter when I was stubborn and Papa who was a soldier often disagreed and fought, Mama was the first to say "Happy Birthday", whether it was to family, relatives and friends, small things that might be for some people feel cared for.

Image source by : Cottonbro on Pexels
Mama is a slang person compared to me who is less sociable. Mama's friends are many, from all walks of life and Mama is very happy to stay in touch, namely visiting relatives far and near and for Mama it is something that must bring 'tote or gifts, be it cakes, fruits, or other food' when we are going to visit. When Papa and Mama were exposed to COVID-19 and had to self-isolate, help from relatives and neighbors never broke. We children who are overseas are certainly very grateful, there are those who take care of our parents. I believe this because of Mama's sincerity. I hope you always get a blessing from God.

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The Author,



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If there are any omissions or mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know.


You are indeed correct. I rarely see anyone close to their stepmom but this is a welcomed change. To be totally in sync with a woman who has adopted the role of your mother without any bias. More like a big sister 😆... Cheers.

Yay! 🤗
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That is a really great stepmother to have ❤️ a woman who can love anothers Child like her own is a true hero.

Thank you for sharing and Good luck 🌹