[ENG/ESP] LOH 185/You are love made mother and woman. Reflection

in Ladies of Hive4 months ago (edited)
How grateful I am that there are initiatives to venerate the person who gave us life.

I avoid speaking in public about my mother because it still hurts her physical departure, but, my brother tells me that I must say what I feel and think about how much she gave me and her teachings.

If I had to describe my mother in five words I would choose these:

Example: I owe everything I am to her. She always spoke to me by personal example and, she showed me by example how to do things. I remember that she never asked us to do things that she was not capable of doing. She asked us to be honest and respectful because she was, she showed us by her actions how to conduct ourselves in life and how to look for solutions to every problem.

Education: Here there may be a dichotomy, contradiction or paradox because my mother was not a university student or anything like that, but the educational manners she instilled in us are a model of what I wish the society in which we live would be like. I'm proud of all of my mom's teachings, but the way she raised me was just great.

Joy: If there is one thing life deserves, it is to live it to the fullest and in the most joyful way possible, those were words she repeated over and over again. For her, joy was part of her way of being and there were no festive events that were overlooked. Birthdays, anniversaries of any event, Women's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Christmas, etc., were reasons to celebrate and rejoice.

Sacrifice: My mom went through a lot of work to raise her six children. On many occasions she had to be mother and father at the same time, she became our best advisor and accomplice in mischief. In her we had a shoulder to lean on, not just because she was our mother, but because of the answers and solutions she provided.

But, as I grew up, I could understand the value of her sacrifice and all that she did with her low salary to take care of us, dress us, feed us.

Love: All of the above are summed up in this eternal feeling and just like him, eternal is the love for my mother. When I want to find a sensible way to look at life, I think of my mother and her teachings. If life gives me a riddle to know what eternalized love is like, there is my mother. I am not exaggerating if I tell you that love blushed when my mother first spoke to it.

However, what she always asked of us, in addition to the above, was not to hurt anyone, that our happiness should not have to do with the misfortune of others, and she told us that the highest aspiration was to be a good person, something she achieved with flying colors.

Important: I have used the translator DeepL Translate.
The photos are my property.


Cuanto agradezco que aparezcan iniciativas para venerar a la persona que nos dio la vida.

Yo evito hablar en público de mi madre porque todavía duele su partida física, pero, mi hermano me dice que debo decir lo que siento y pienso sobre lo mucho que me dio y sus enseñanzas.

Si tuviera que describir a mi madre en cinco palabras escogería estas:

Ejemplo: Todo lo que soy a ella se lo debo. Siempre me habló con el ejemplo personal y, me demostró con su ejemplo cómo hacer las cosas. Recuerdo que nunca nos pedía hacer cosas que ella no fuera capaz de hacer. Nos pidió ser honestos y respetuosos porque ella lo era, nos señaló con su actuación cómo conducirnos ante la vida y, la manera de buscar solución ante cada problema.

Educación: Aquí puede que haya una dicotomía, contradicción o paradoja porque mi mamá no era universitaria ni nada por el estilo, pero, los modales educativos que nos inculcó son un modelo de lo que ojalá fuera la sociedad en la que vivimos. Estoy orgullosa de todas las enseñanzas de mi mamá, pero, la manera en que me formó fue, sencillamente, genial.

Alegría: Si algo merece la vida es vivirla a plenitud y de la manera más alegre posible, esas eran palabras que nos repetía una y otra vez. Para ella la alegría formaba parte de su manera de ser y no había acontecimientos festivos que pasaran por alto. Cumpleaños, aniversarios de cualquier acontecimiento, Día de la Mujer, de las Madres, de los Padres, Navidades, etc., eran motivos de fiestas y alegrías.

Sacrificio: Mi mamá pasó muchísimo trabajo para criar a sus seis hijos. En muchas ocasiones tuvo que ser madre y padre a la vez, se convirtió en nuestra mejor consejera y cómplice de travesuras. En ella tuvimos un hombro en el que apoyarnos y, no solo porque fuera nuestra madre, sino por las respuestas y soluciones aportadas.

Pero, en la medida que crecí, pude entender el valor de su sacrificio y todo lo que hacía con su bajo salario para cuidarnos, vestirnos, alimentarnos.

Amor: Todo lo anterior se resumen en este eterno sentimiento y así como él, eterno es el amor por mi madre. Cuando quiero encontrar una manera sensata de ver la vida, pienso en mi madre y en sus enseñanzas. Si la vida me pone una adivinanza para saber cómo es el amor eternizado, ahí está mi madre. No exagero si les digo que el amor se sonrojó cuando mi madre le habló por primera vez.

Sin embargo, lo que ella nos pidió siempre, además de lo anterior, es no hacerle daño a nadie, que nuestra felicidad no tuviera que ver con la desdicha de otros y nos decía que la máxima aspiración era ser una persona de bien, algo que ella alcanzó con sobresaliente.

Importante: He utilizado el traductor DeepL Translate.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad.


Hello @yirkahr very touching lyrics to exp to your mother, she was a great woman, with wise advice as you describe, that she left you: ‘not to hurt anyone, that our happiness should not have to do with the misfortune of others, and she told us that the highest aspiration was to be a good person. thank you for sharing, a hug.

Thank you very much for liking my publication because it means a lot to me.
My mother was very wise and I always try to apply her teachings and advice. Grateful.