Ladies of Hive Community Contest #10

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)
¡Saludos! Es primera vez que hago un post en esta comunidad y participo en uno de sus concursos. Me encantó ver una comunidad dedicada al empoderamiento de las mujeres, provengo de una familia donde somos 7 hermanas y tengo dos hijas que ahora son unas mujeres hechas y derechas, creo que entre las mujeres debemos apoyarnos y me emociona ser parte de esta comunidad desde ahora respondiendo a una de las preguntas de su concurso #10

Regards! It is the first time that I make a post in this community and I participate in one of their contests. I loved seeing a community dedicated to the empowerment of women, I come from a family where we are 7 sisters and I have two daughters who are now full-fledged women, I think that among women we must support each other and I am excited to be part of this community from now on answering one of their constest #10

Ladies of Hive Community Contest #10


Si fueras un genio con poderes mágicos, ¿qué harías y para quién?

If you were a genie with magical powers, what would you do and for whom?

Creo que todas las personas algunas vez deseamos tener poderes mágicos así que este es mi momento, soy venezolana y tener discusiones acerca de la política de mi país es sumamente estresante tanto así que evito hablar sobre política casi todo el tiempo, pero si tuviera poderes mágicos definitivamente cambiaría el actual gobierno de mi país porque las personas que están llevando las riendas del país por tantos años no han hecho un buen trabajo y esto se hace notar en la crisis económica social y la polarización que existe.

I think that all people sometimes wish to have magical powers so this is my moment, I am Venezuelan and having discussions about the politics of my country is extremely stressful so much so that I avoid talking about politics almost all the time, but if I had magical powers I would definitely change the current government of my country because the people who have been leading the country for so many years have not done a good job and this is evident in the social economic crisis and the polarization that exists.
Creo que la gente de mi país ha perdido la fe en la democracia y esto ha sido ocasionado por la desconfianza que ha generado el gobierno con sus acciones, creo que cambiar el gobierno de mi país con mis poderes mágicos ayudaría a muchísimas familias venezolanas, creo que muchas madres se reencontrarían con sus hijos que ha tenido de migrar o huir del país en busca de oportunidades en otros países.

I believe that the people of my country have lost faith in democracy and this has been caused by the mistrust that the government has generated with its actions, I believe that changing the government of my country with my magical powers would help many Venezuelan families, I believe that many mothers would be reunited with their children who have had to migrate or flee the country in search of opportunities in other countries.
Si el gobierno cambia posiblemente el país pase por una reestructuración profunda que renovaría la esperanza de todos los venezolanos acerca del futuro, aquí cada día mas personas se ven afectadas por la crisis por eso creo que un cambio político ayudaría a mejorar la economía y que más personas tengan acceso a las medicinas que necesitan sus familiares enfermos porque en mi país es muy escasa y costosa. Creo que la acción que tomaría con mis poderes mágicos ayudaría a millones de personas y eso me haría feliz a mí y todos ellos.

If the government changes the country, it may go through a deep restructuring that would renew the hope of all Venezuelans about the future, here every day more people are affected by the crisis, so I think that a political change would help improve the economy and what else people have access to the medicines that their sick relatives need because in my country it is very scarce and expensive. I believe that the action that I would take with my magical powers would help millions of people and that would make me and all of them happy.

¡Muchas gracias por leer! / Thanks so much for reading!


Wishin the best for your country, Venezuela.

Good luck with the contest!

Thanks for comment. Cheers!

Best wishes . 🥰🌺🤙

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Thank you so much :D

Thank you for joining us for the first time and we hope you will be here with us for the next contest. And I can imagine that politics and the current situation is hard in V.

the situation is difficult but we do not lose hope that one day it will improve. I will be very aware of the next contest, thanks for your comment :D

It will be up by the team on sunday morning , they are already working on it, we are reading and deciding the winners , 21 ladies will receive a prize