"Silenced Symphony: The Concorde's Boom and its Ban"

in Ecency6 months ago

In the azure skies, the Concorde's grace,
Supersonic dreams, a breathtaking pace.
Boom echoed, a thunderous cheer,
But the tale turned somber, shed a tear.

A sonic boom, a symphony too loud,
Shattered windows, a turbulent crowd.
In the boom's wake, discontent grew,
Regulations tightened, the Concorde knew.

A sleek marvel, flying high,
Yet, the boom echoed a plaintive sigh.
Over oceans it soared, breaking sound,
But on land, complaints did abound.

Supersonic dreams faced a ban,
Ears protested, a deafening span.
A farewell to the Concorde's grandeur,
Regulations declared, "No more thunder!"

Safety concerns, a poignant reason,
The boom's echo faced a legal treason.
In silence now, the Concorde rests,
A once-bold journey, by regulations stressed.