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RE: Congrats to the Ecency Top10 and Lucky Number Winners

in Ecency10 months ago

And another week is done!
Congrats to all the winners
@rafzat @djbravo @tydynrain
Also to the other ecencials
@littlebee4 @blitzzzz @jjmusa2004 @bitandi @yeckingo1 and @ladymisa

But my winner is @nietokilll , I will send you your prize now


Thank you kindly @brittandjosie 👋🏻😊 up to the next week 😎 have a great midweek!

Thank you and indeed up to next week

Graag gedaan 😉

Thank you so very much, @brittandjosie! I deeply appreciate it! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

You are very welcome

I'm very grateful! 😁🙏💚✨🤙
Black And White Stars GIF

Thanks sis

Hope you will power up

I power up in 1 September

That’s the idea ! Great