Finally It Was A Sunny Day

in Ecencylast year

Hi everyone, hopefully you are fine and having fun with your family and friends.

Finally We have sunny day here after few days of Cold Weather. It was a full busy day spent on the shop. There was a lot of road movement as people were stuck in homes before because of the Cold weather.

Today people came out from houses to enjoy the sunshine. Being on the Shop i saw huge movement and customers flow on all the shops. People came out to buy their needful items as we still dont know when and how long the cold days can stay.

We still have rains expected that can fall more than a week. There can be another wave of Cold in coming days. I have also managed everything to avoid the upcoming cold.

Anyway, the whole day was busy doing shop work, now i am feeling tired and want to sleep as i have to wake up early in the morning to complete an urgent peace of work. Also i am happy to see Bitcoin trading above $21k. Lets hope it continue upward movement. Good night.


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About Author
@coolguy222 is a crypto trader and content creator on hive blockchain. He also runs a small business of Mobile accessories and Wrist watches. He loves to make new friends.