You're Going Into the Final Stretch! FINISH STRONG!!

in Ecency11 months ago

Hi, Dreemers! How are you doing? Do you still have enough stamina left to finish the marathon? Are you ready to give it your all?

I surely do hope so! Remember, this is a marathon! It's not a sprint! So, it's all about finishing the race. It's not about winning against an opponent or a fellow marathoner... It's about FINISHING THE RACE!

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!

Same as in a real marathon, where you get rewarded by receiving a medal just for completing the race, you will also be rewarded with a prize for finishing this marathon.

So, keep your eyes on the TRUE prize in this marathon! And the TRUE prize in this marathon is...CONNECTION!!!

Yes, CONNECTION! And this "connection" is a connection that lasts! It's not about connecting with people just to have fun for a month and then just going back to your old ways by operating all on your own again!

In a way, you are working on building your own prize in this marathon. You should be building connections with various people that will last! And you need to STICK WITH IT!

Keep growing with people on their Hive journey. By doing that, those same people will automatically also grow with you on your Hive journey. That is what you should be aiming at during this marathon. Connect with and build relationships with people you meet during this marathon... long-lasting relationships!

If you can finish this marathon by the end of next week, having made new connections and building relationships, YOU FINISH STRONG!!

You will FINISH STRONG because that would mean that you have laid the foundation to BUILD on those connections and develop strong, long-lasting relationships for the long term...for the future!

Don't be short-sighted by only focusing on the now...only focusing on the immediate fun of the marathon. No, think long-term!

Yes, we all love games and challenges! We love playing games and having fun! But in reality, at the heart of everything, we need to stay in touch with reality.

That is why it is good to "gamify" things/activities...just to make it less intimidating...NOW!

Yet, we shouldn't lose touch with reality and we should learn how to apply what we learn during those "fun times" when we move forward in real life!

So when we communicate with our fellow teammates during this marathon, be real, be genuine! Even in games, when something is worth doing, it's worth DOING IT WELL!

Don't allow only the points to drive you! Even though you are having fun now, don't just do it for the fun! Realize that you are building something that will benefit you in the long term!

If you don't feel ready for something, or if it doesn't make sense to you now, or if you don't feel strong in that area yet, discuss it with your teammates and get their input! See if you can learn something (while having fun)! That is part of building those connections...those relationships!

If you start using those opportunities NOW, you will not only be building and strengthening those connections and relationships, you will also be building and strengthening the future you!

You might not even be realizing it (yet) but you are busy building your own little community (your own tribe)! So don't let the points drive you, let the TRIBE you are building drive (and carry) you!

That will LAST much longer than any points and/or digs!

So, I'd like to leave you with this: GO FOR THE REAL GOLD: CONNECTIONS!!

Then cherish it! Build It! It's more than just a tool! It's an asset! You will benefit from it for years to come! Then keep on building and never stop building!!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kenechukwu97, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @acgalarza, @jacoalberts, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Connection Image by Julia M Cameron edited in CANVA by @jacoalberts

D-divider, designed by @dreemsteem

All DreemPort banners and logos property of DreemPort.

Written by and posted @jacoalberts for the Dreem Teem.


Woww, just wow..
Thank you so much @jacoalberts , this was so inspiring. I was touched by the word connection. I have connected with some hiver right from my early days in hive and they have been assisting my hive growth and it's been fun getting along together. Now unto this marathon, I am working on having genuine connection with my amazing Teammates and others who our paths have crossed on the course of this program. Connection indeed makes things easier. Thanks for the word

I'm so glad to hear you found this inspiring, @nkemakonam89! And it's great to hear how you are already benefitting from connecting with people and then how you are building relationships to make those connections even stronger!

Thank you for your great feedback! We do appreciate it!


Dreemie Racers! Soak in this piece of inspiration as you get set for the FINAL lap of our Newbie marathon.

@jane1289, @juliamulcahy, @bluefinstudios, @acgalarza, @samsmith1971, @wrestlingdesires, @sacra97,@palomap3, @oceanbee, @unklebonehead, @ngwinndave, @hannes-stoffel, @kei2, @nkemakonam89, @lordtimoty, @anonymous02, @george-dee, @mypathtofire, @iskafan, @creatr, @melinda010100, @buezor, @idksamad78699, @joseph23, @merit.ahama, @cool08, @b0s, @mrenglish, @hopestylist, @maryjacy, @fragozar01, @kenechukwu97, @ayesha-malik, @sacra97, @jpatrick28, @blackdaisyft, @deraaa, @ijohnsen, @anonymous02, @fragozar01, @simgirl, @dwixer, @blackalbino1, @depressedfuckup, @intishar, @edystringz, @maryjacy, @moontrader, @tengolotodo, @cescajove, @olujay, @ijohnsen, @chincoculbert, @kemmyb, @zyzymena, @aroojkhalid, @mcyusuf, @onyinye.nmeri85, @sommylove, @ksam, @raj808, @melinda010100, @jfuji, @dibblers.dabs, @litguru, @ifarmgirl, @coquicoin, @esther-emmanuel, @mmykel, @adoore-eu, @zonniasparkle, @darthsauron, @stevemuis @snook , @dreemsteem, @beeber, @tengolotodo, @anonymous02, @ksam, @itsostylish, @grocko, @george-dee, @deraaa, @belleflower, @b0s, @buezor, @hopestylist, @merit.ahama, @darthsauron, @dwixer, @amberkashif, @mrenglish, @jpatrick28, @juliamulcahy, @creatr , @fragozar01, @nkemakonam89, @marbrym, @joseph23, @intishar, @litguru, @palomap3, @ahmadmanga, @officialrosh1, @danokoroafor, @sam9999, @grindan @nevies @erh.germany @killerwot @shadowspub @alekst7 @timmy-turnip @lhes, @bnbsc, @jadams2k18, @madeirane, @wongi, @jhymi, @amiegeoffrey, @jellyvine, @ibbtammy, @julti1985, @kingsleyy, @treasuree, @sperosamuel15, @balikis95, @adetemi, @ukrajpoot,, @ojbear, @madeirane, @seunruth, @rukkie, @zitalove, @kilvnrex, @machalavienici, @rafzat, @jessicaossom, @abu78, @omotife, @emreal, @sam9999, @nwothini335, @princess-dara, @glorydee, @ginika, @wallay, @jazclassic, @luchyl, @idlemind.

We are all set... Thanks for the tag🥰

Thanks for the tag @kenechukwu97

Thank you for the tag @kenechukwu97

It's the last week already? Haha
It's great having connections indeed and those who I come across during marathon, uh, hope to see you folks frequently 😀


Thanks for the tag @kenechukwu97.

I am set for the last lap in this race.
Yes, We are ready teem #JARB.

#dreemerforlife #marathonrace #hhym

Thanks for the tag! 🤗

Wow this was so inspiring! I'm glad I read this and yeah, I had it in mind even though not so detailed as I've just read and I'm glad to have an amazing team to carry this out.

Connection is what makes things easier and go smoothly, having people's back and people having your back... How wonderful that is 😊

Thanks for this @jacoalberts very much appreciated 💯

I'm glad you find this inspiring, @merit.ahama! Yes, connection is what makes things easier and go smoothly indeed! I do agree with you!

You're welcome and I hope you have an amazing week ahead of you, finishing strong in the marathon👍!

Oh yes! I will 😊

This is the sum total of everything. These words are inspiring and it speaks nothing but the truth. Connection/relationship is the ultimate prize above every other prize. I've had that connection of recent and it feels like I've known them for long.
Thanks for this words

Hi, @dwixer! You summarized so well... "Connection/relationship is the ultimate prize above every other prize." Well said! And it's great that "you've had that connection of late". And feeling that you've known them for long? I believe that's a very good sign!! That means that you're still going to know them for a very long time to come!

Good luck going into the final week of the marathon! Finish strong!!

Thank You so much for this words. We'll all finish strong. Do have a wonderful day

Wow, one of purpose of dreemport is to connect people and I understand the importance of that in my Hive journey.

One man definitely can't make a forest, we need each other to grow and moreover, the journey becomes boring when we travel alone. After reading this, I feel inspired more with connecting further.

The last weeks have been amazing and I believe that the connection we have made as a team won't end with the marathon...


Yes, "One man definitely can't make a forest"! That is so true indeed, @george-dee!

I'm really glad to hear that you found the last few weeks amazing and I love your thinking, saying that you believe that the connection you have made as a team won't end with the marathon... That is what this whole marathon is all about!

Thanks for sharing that with us!

Keep up the good and good luck with the week ahead!!


Wow @dreemport, I keep loving this more and more. These few weeks has also helped me engage and connect with people better on Hive. I'm certain this connection will continue even after the end of the marathon. I love a race where everyone wins.

We forever remain #dreemerforlife

If these few weeks have helped you to engage and connect with people better on Hive, then you are already a winner, @rukkie! Now just keep the momentum to finish this marathon and then you start building on the foundations you have laid!

Yes! A race where everyone wins!

Good luck with the week ahead of you! FINISH STRONG!!


Thank you. We will all finish strong

There is a powerful lot of wisdom in this post! Building connections through engagement is the most valuable asset you can have on Hive!

Building connections through engagement is the most valuable asset you can have on Hive!

Well said! I do agree with you 100%!


The real prize is indeed lasting bonds/connections, and I am excited about what this initiative has brought in, true friends, great teemmates, and beautiful dreemers all around the globe.

We started strong but promise to finish stronger.

I represent the dreem teem #JARB. I am an awesome #dreemerforlife.

I love what I'm sensing in your comment, @amiegeoffrey! You are growing, but I love how you are pointing out how you gained friends, how you are referring to your teammates, and how you see you all finishing stronger! You recognize the growth that is available to everybody and how you can grow together!

Good luck to you and your team for the week ahead of you!!


Connection is a powerful words, it's the only this that moves the world. We need to stay connected, keep connection, that's how we learn and succeed. I love and admire the team spirit it's really overwhelmed and yes I'm ready for the new challenges ahead. Thanks for the inspiration of not giving up #Dreemport... #Dreemerforlife

Also to my mentor @samsmith1971, really appreciate all the motivation you give to our team and to me.

Nice day ahead everyone

It is very true what you say in your comment about connection! I'm glad you are inspired! Now give it all you've got for the next week and enjoy it!!


That's the piece of wisdom

Good luck for the remaining week, @amberkashif! FINISH STRONG!
