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RE: Humans evaluating AI... not the other way around.

in Ecency4 months ago

from what we saw... small grammar corrections from Grammarly really didn't make much of an effect at all with the AI checker that we used. We appreciated that! It clearly picked up on when the AI checker was actually making suggestions on text, or when it was rewriting altogether. (which we also appreciated)

Just for fun - I ran you comment through hahaha just so you could see how it ranks your writing...

and ready???

Your comment was 0% Ai. Fully human! hehehe

If you write for the love of it - then, you'll truly gain so much out of the editing process also. Even just leaving a post for a night, and coming back to read with fresh eyes will give you SO much to learn!

Or... giving yourself an arbitrary number to cut. If your post is 400 words - try to make it 350. It will seem like every word you first wrote was so necessary - but when you near that 350 mark, you'll see you actually have a tighter, crisper post with a more direct punch!

So often we spend words frivolously hehehe (writers- we love our words!!!)

I really appreciated this comment... I'm heading to your blog now to read something of yours!


I find myself taking note of your recommendations hehehe!

Thank you very much, I will implement them.

The one about setting word limits caught my attention, it's a good exercise to develop synthesis capacity.
Good idea.

Always appreciated.
Best regards.

¡Estoy feliz de poder ayudar! Parece que ya eres un gran escritor, pero así es como todos mejoramos, ¡día a día! jejeje

I'm happy to help! It seems like you're already a great writer, but this is how we all improve, day by day! hehehe