Day 24 - Advent Calendar 2022, Win prize everyday! ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ

in Ecency โ€ข last year

Welcome to our traditional Christmas Advent Calendar!!!

Christmas is a loving hug
Or roasting chestnuts on the rug.
Christmas is one's first snow
And wrapping presents up with bows.
Christmas is sledding over the ice,
And giving presents feels so nice.
Today is the last day of our Ecency Advent Calendar. Be active and Don't miss your chance!!!

Christmas Advent Calendar is annual contest to spread holiday mood and encourage engagement with fellow friends. You can participate daily and win rewards until Christmas! And what's Christmas without an unexpected gifts?
Participate, Win and Enjoy the most wonderful time of the year with Ecency.

It is Day 24 everyone!

Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 participation is now CLOSED! Winners will be selected soon and prize will be sent out right after payout! Go ahead and vote your favorite comments on yesterday's challenge to give them more chance of winning.


It was a great pleasure to read every comment and tell the truth it is a bit challenging to choose winners. Thanks to each of you for being active!
Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 winners have been announced, rewards are being sent soon.
Warmest congratulations on your achievement! Wishing you even more success in the future.

Moving on to today's challenge...

What are your New Year resolutions?

Leave your answers in the comments section below and 3 best comments will get 100% of this post reward (50%, 30%, 20% respectively) and extra 500, 300, 200 Ecency Points.

Advent calendar will be published everyday, previous day challenge will be closed when next day's challenge post is published, HIVE rewards will be powered up to winners.

Thank you for participating! ENTER EVERY DAY FOR A CHANCE TO WIN.

Wishing you a lovely Christmas season and a very Happy New Year!

PS. Don't forget to support comments below, do good deed and share with others during these wonderful season of holidaysโ€ฆ

Special Thanks to @irisworld for Ecency Advent Calendar arts

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Thank you for the creative new questions every day! ๐Ÿ˜Š

My resolution is to make no resolutions, but rather to continue improving myself. The journey itself is my destination. There's no special date where I'll be able to change anything if I can't do it right here and right now.

... Although winning the lottery wouldn't hurt. ๐Ÿ˜

some of the things i want don't happen to me i would need help from other users here on #hive and in everyday life to move forward. But what is on my part is to work every day twice as much as I have been doing. I do promise to always give my best effort and then we'll see what happens.

Today's Winners

Rewards will be sent out soon!

@freecompliments,, @thecyberdexter

Warmest congratulations on your achievement! Wishing you even more success in the future.

Oh, thank you so much! I had honestly forgotten about the contest portion of this post. I appreciate it. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thank you so much @xuwi for the generous gift! That was very sweet. โ˜บ๏ธ

Have a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

ย last yearย ย 

Happy New Year too. Thank you for participating)

Congratulations to all the winners! ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’™

All my new year resolution is all about improving myself in every ramification of life.

Business expansion
Growth on Hive
Owning a piece of land
Taking my relationship to the next level
and a lot more.

2022 was really challenging for me but I am certain that surviving them has made me stronger and taught me valuable lessons.

Generally, I don't do resolutions, but this year, I'm thinking that I will do my best to: live life to the fullest and make sure that should my time come early, that I would have no regrets whatsoever! Shine brightly and do my best at whatever life throws at me! To live!

ย last yearย (edited)ย 

Este aรฑo 2022 ha sido muy difรญcil Para mi en cuanto a salud e ingresos, pero he visto la mano de Dios siempre . Este nuevo aรฑo quiero deslizarme en todo el optimismo posible entendiendo que nada se acaba hasta que se termina y mientras, hay que seguir luchando . Por mi parte pienso darle importancia a mi salud y cuidarla, en el espectro econรณmico pienso hacer un emprendimiento para mejorar mis ingresos y tengo confianza que hive blog tendrรก un impulso muy importante es este campo . Una feliz navidad para todos

ย last yearย ย 
  1. Consistency
  2. Consistency
  3. Consistency

Whether it's blogging, work related, Health goals, wealth goals. I have been lacking the consistency to follow up on it. So this year resolutions is to be consistent with anything that I do.

Otherwise new year resolutions is just another pending to-do list.

BTW thanks for this question, I know what's my next post is going to be. ๐Ÿ˜…


New Year Resolution
This New year also I would continue with my old resolution that is to constantly improve .
I think that we humans always have a scope of improvement, no matter what we achieve in life .
Even the biggest achievements has a loophole , which is to improve.
According to me there is no such thing called the best as we can always evolve and grow in our lives.
I would like to continuously grow in my life and improve in all 4 pillars of life.
Personal life , professional life balance is what I would like to maintaining on an accurate basis.

If you are reading this , I would like you to know that it is not one time resolution that matters but the consistency behind it

Therefore , I feel that growing and evolving involves growing on this platform too , that is one of my dreams which I want to fulfil soon .

Thank You

Great question for today, but for me I would say I don't believe in resolutions but as for next year. I just want to be me, live a life of transparency and no faking of myself or trying to do things that will make others happy while hurting myself.

So i want to live a normal life, make people around me seee reasons to be happy and make new friends ๐Ÿ˜, that's my vision and also accomplish my aim of becoming a better person. Thanks...โœŒ๏ธ

ย last yearย (edited)ย 

My new year resolutions will be for both my personal life and my activities on Hive.

  1. My new year resolution is to grow my financial account both in Hive and fiat in other to grow financially so that I could help others as well to grow.

  2. The things I planned on achieving this year that didn't work out I wish to see it happen in the new year.

  3. Also I will like to invite more people to Hive to benefit from the platform and also showcase it to the world.

To do good in academic...and also to carry with #hive community

Congratulations to all the winners

Hiveolution is my resolution

I divide my New Year's resolutions into two: a group for real life and a group for Hive.

For real life:

  • get my master's degree.
  • be more consistent with myself, work on the person.
  • be consistent with diet and gym, get a good physique for the sea.
  • learn new things and make new connections.

For Hive:

  • build good Hive Power
  • create more engagement with other users
  • be constant with publications and comments
  • create more and better content

Translated with (free version)

More than purposes are objectives, take care of my family in the first place, finish my house and continue advancing in my career...

My New Year's resolution is to participate more in my publications and do 1 or 2 Power Ups every month in order to increase my Hive Power and be able to give better votes and receive better votes. Work, work and work since I consider this as my job, although many laugh about it.

Mi resolucion de Aรฑo Nuevo es participar mas en mis publicaciones y hacer cada mes 1 o 2 Power Up para asi incrementar mi Hive Power y poder dar mejores votos y recibir mejores votos. Trabajar, trabajar y trabajar ya que esto lo considero como mi trabajo, aunque muchos se rian por eso.

My new year resolutions are:

  • Stop smoking (again)
  • Don't get into a relationship during a bull run.
  • Become the owner of Mars

The last one is tough but doable. ๐Ÿคฃ

I would like to be present on hive a lot more, to be able to meet more people and to be part of many jobs here.
I am also about to graduate as a therapeutic counsellor, related to psychology, I will be able to do social work.๐Ÿ’œ
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas๐Ÿ˜

New year resolution, is to expand my creativity on improving the chapters of my life.

Be Ecencial and work hard to reach my goals! :)

My new year resolution is to be better than my past and also be a better person in the society.

My new year resolution is to remain intentional in my general life pursuit ๐Ÿ‘Œ, and make every effort to complete my pending project which I started in 2022

ย last yearย ย 

More life, more friends, more money.

I hope 2023 to compensate for a challenging 2020 -2022

I don't really have new year resolutions, but I do have some goals for the next year. I'm planning to continue my amazing journey on Hive, while I stach as much HP and LP as possible, to increase the power of my votes. I want to get back to intermittent fasting and drop 5kg by the summer ;) I am also planning to attend my first music festival in summer - Boom Town. And of course share my experiences with friends on Hive.

Happy holidays everyone! ๐Ÿ’™

ย last yearย (edited)ย 

Oh I didn't know there's an ecency Advent calendar until I saw the pop up. Lol I guess I'm too late to join? ๐Ÿ˜‚

If not then my answer is I don't have any. ๐Ÿ˜ Yeah I don't do new year's resolutions much like I don't use planners. Well I write to do lists sometimes and that's it.

Now that I think about it... maybe I should have one this year. Perhaps I could strive to spread more love and kindness than I usually do. Maybe it's time to be deliberate in doing such things.

It seems to me the world needs a lot more of love now. Many people are always doing evil things that make me angry online and offline. This makes it much harder to spread love/kindness these days. Definitely it would take a lot of conscious effort to do but let's see what happens.

my new year's resolutions are to get a job since I am unemployed at the moment and I need to be able to continue paying the apartment rent and meet all the responsibilities of the household and my family.