Ecency Challenge-has ended!

in Ecency8 months ago

Hello Ecencials, the #ecencychallenge, which engaged many of our users for a week, has concluded. We want to thank all the participants who took part in this challenge.

The #ecencychallenge provided valuable insights into our users' perceptions of Ecency, their preferred features, and the lesser-known features. Of course, the Ecency points were the most popular feature among users, being mentioned in almost every entry during the challenge. We highly value every user's support for the Ecency proposal and their input on the matter.

During the challenge, over 120 entries were submitted. @melinda010100 and @xuwi read each entry, and most of them were boosted and rewarded with points tips.

A total of over 80,000 points were utilized for boosting and tipping.

Stay engaged. The Ecency rewards season is starting, and we will soon introduce the annual Advent Calendar.

Thanks to all those who took part.


I am happy to partake in the challenge, long live ecency and also kudos to the organizers of the challenge @xuwi and @melinda010100

Over 120 entries?!?!?! Wow, this is lots of work!! Thank you for organising and supporting, dears. ♥️🤗

@palomap3 sent you LUV 🙂 (2/5)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

It was a really fun challenge to be involved with! It was @xuwi s idea and I was very happy she asked me to take part in it!

Wave Media

Thank you for your support😘 I wouldn't do it without you))

Great, very happy to read this. Thank you for your support and continue working along these lines, every day the use of this frontend will be more satisfactory

It was a great challenge and read 120 entries is really a hard job but Ladies did it well 💪🤩
Good work @Melinda010100 and @xuwi 💫

Ah! It was a great week for me participating in the challenge.
No doubt @melinda010100 and @xuwi did an amazing job. Well done ✅

More power to ecency

Wow! Over 120 entries read! This is a great one. Well done @melinda010100 and @xuwi

Hope to engage in the next challenge as I missed this one.

It was a great challenge with many wonderful entries!

I'm so impressed with the entries that we recieved! Each day I looked forward to seeing all the new entries and it was a joy to read them! Our purpose in creating the challenge was to spread the word about all the features that Ecency offers and how to use them, and Ecencials came through and flooded Hive with some wonderful information. I think many of us learned a lot from your entry posts. Thank you.

Wave Media

Hello @melinda010100. Can we have something like weekly prompt in the ecency community? I believe that it will help all the users of ecency frontend to be more engaged with us here.

It was a great week where I learnt many new things 😄

The idea is good of this challenge was very good it will benefit new users a lot as all people have made posts and shared their experience.

WOW 😲! Thanks for those boast to our post. It is really nice to be here.
I have always wondered most times if there is anything that one can use ecency to make post with. Like, are we allowed to make post on different topics of our choice through ecency community?

Ecency Community tag can be used for all posts! You can use the Community for any topic

WOW 😲! This is great. I will begin to make my entries in ecency community.
Thanks dear

You are always welcome to post there. 💕

Thanks for the privilege and i look forward to engaging in other activities of the community.

Are there weekly prompt or what kind of write up can I drop here?

The link that you publish takes me directly to a hivesigner request. How do I vote with my other private key? (Because I missed my hivesigner and the same happens my son @luisfe)

Thanks for sharing such a valuable content with us.