
I'm sorry if I bothered the team with my comment, but scrolling down the blog post, I felt like some points are missing in a given instruction. It seems like I expected a good conversation with that statement and was given itineraries instead. Also, I think giving those missing points would be of better help if a newbie would take interest in reading such posts.

But don't take it seriously, if the team sees fit that they're doing what is necessary, then who am I to judge. As a user of Ecency, I think giving feedbacks is what I can do to contribute to its development. Also, I hope that there would be more coming features that will revolutionize the usual way of blogging since it's a social media blogging platform after all.

I have not emerged myself in the meaning of blogging and how it's done before and outside the blockchain, but I somehow want to see and achieve what people who believe in its potential saw in the community.

Thank you for feedback, we will add more descriptions to each points