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RE: Pasty and orange arguments - landing at Dreemport

in Ecencylast month

Sorry, I got the wrong dream, or maybe not. I hope I'm not disturbing. I am familiar with these orange tones. Beautiful images. Maybe I've been here before. I've read something about mushrooms.... I would have to say bon voyage.... Maybe I'm wrong, but if you need a treasure map, I have one. Have a good rest


I need a treasure map para encontrarme a mí misma. 😣

(a place for writers like you, come on board)

I'm already going to that place for lost writers, I think I'll like it. But maybe you won't be there when I get there. Maybe you've already found yourself. Can't be so lost someone who so many people have found....

👻 Always so kind. Thank you.

Recordé esta canción ahora.

si me pierdo es que ya me he encontrado y sé que debo continuar

Acabo de entrar y me encuentro esta joyita:

Qu'importe là où je vais
Tant que j'ai l'audace
De tenir la main de l'autre
Pour aimer le temps qui passe
Dans tout ce que je fais
La rage et l'amour s'embrassent
Quelle soit mienne ou qu'elle soit vôtre
La vie nous dépasse


Y, sí, esta vez, te grito 😁


😇 Hasta mañana; que tengas una fructífera tarde, sin pensar...caminando 🎶

Hasta mañana. Voy a ir a caminar en un rato, sí.