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RE: Youtube vs. Hive - Looking at Digital Nomads

in Ecency7 months ago

I leverage what I have at times and mostly I absolutely do buy and hold. In fact I've had friends of mine send me a large chunk of this or that that I have then matched and put into these different investment pools and now I'm getting paid in so many different directions it's pretty crazy. The more I sweep the dust and direct it in a positive direction the better it is.

But I get all this for free. I don't have to buy it I don't have to do anything but just enjoy the game of leverage and work here on the blockchain which in of itself continues to empower and enrich all of us.

The more people trading and using these different currencies even if it is to primarily invest in your hive account? Well that is a strategy that everyone should know how to fully utilize.

Seriously if you realized that you could exponentially grow who you are on hive by playing the game on all the different opportunities that you had to earn? Well that is more wisdom...

Seriously our decentralized finance system has a massive depth.


Yes, you are right, there are many opportunities in DeFI and quite a few strategies to follow.