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RE: Day 2 - Advent Calendar 2022, Win prize everyday! 🎄🎁

in Ecency2 years ago

My favourite Christmas memory is one which is very close to my heart , it happened in 2019 (3 years back )
As a teenager i always used to save money for games and gadgets and in 2019 I was with a good balance after a lot of sacrifices on not spending on items .
2019 is very memorable to me because, that christmas I could step out from the zone of me and myself only , basically it was December and christmas was round the corner , the gatekeeper of my apartment building had an surprised visit from his family i.e his family came to meet him as his kids were having Christmas holidays.
The kids always used to hang here and there in the apartment (society/complex) and the matter of fact that they always used to stare everyone who were riding a bicycle, one fine day (23 or 24 th if I remember properly) I went to the kids and asked why do they stare a bicycle so much , to which i got to know that they always dreamed of riding a bicycle but couldn’t due to their financial issues !
It was then that made me realize that I have so many things in life which others don’t and it’s not always about your own happiness out of materialism.
On 23/24th itself I booked a bicycle out of all the money I saved for purchasing video games and gadgets.
The bicycle got delivered on 24th evening and gifted it to those kids ( I could only buy one ) , all the three kids were filled with joy and happiness .
But here is the catch that still my happiness was bigger than them because the peace that i got seeing them riding the bicycle is just unexplainable.
Those kids stayed for 1 month and would ride the bicycle all day , after they went , i helped them getting it delivered to their hometown.
This Christmas memory of mine always brings peace to me and I can still relive that peace whenever I remember of the incident and those smiling faces.


Helping others usually makes us more happier that them...))

I truly understood that when i could see those smiling faces which seemed like i gave them the best part of life .
The peace to their eyes while riding is a real asset to my heart .