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RE: Cultivating Growth: Insights from Jim Rohn in the Hive Blockchain Community.

in Ecency6 months ago

What is this nonsense again?
The user is a well knows scammer who was blacklisted once on other accounts.

Do you understand what generating articles with Chat GPT means?
Do you understand what fraud is?

It is not the first time you have completely trivialised fraud that you promoted and curated fraud as a "moderator".

Your "modding" is a vulnerability to the Hive ecosystem if you do not understand what abuse/scam/fraud are.

Someone who does not understand what abuse of the Hive ecosystem is and allows scammers/fraud to continue on the Hive should not be allowed to moderate/curate content.

Also, please stop keeping trolling Hivewatchers by spreading around misinformation and misleading claims on your Twitter, Discord servers and on the chain.