What is the most memorable gift you have ever got?

in Ecency3 years ago

One morning, I was at work, and a young man walked up to me and asked that I helped him power his phone. I didn't hesitate. I granted his request as though I have known him from anywhere. I haven't. In short, I didn't take note of him, I was busy cleaning up the office, and trying to meet up with time before delivery orders gets in.

He returned later in the afternoon, and I returned his phone. I forgot about it until Valentine's day. I had an already planned date, and we were supposed to meet in church, first in the evening, before we spend the rest of the evening together. I got to church early, attended service. When it was time to go, my date was unavoidably busy, and I decided to go home.

While I walked out of the Tropicana Event Center, someone called my name, I turned, didn't recognize him at first. Then he reminded me who he was using my office, his phone, and how I helped him without hesitation. Great, I smiled, at least I have someone to talk to, till I got home.

When he asked if he could walk with me home, I accepted, we lived in the same region, and seeing my date went nuts, I allowed him.

Walking home, we talked and shared lots of funny stories, once I got to my destination, I bade him goodbye, and went home.

The next day, he visited my office, and we talked, I think he brought food, I had accepted his visit, on account that he brings food. So he prepared noodles and brought my favorite drink along.

We sat and talked, he made me talk a lot about myself. Before I knew it, I was mentioning the books I loved and my favorite authors. I hinted that I love the book, Mastery written by Robert Greene very much, but, I am upset that I can't get my hands on the hard copy.

I told him I finished the soft copy and would love to read the hard copy, as well as own it. I didn't know he committed that wish to memory.

A few weeks later, I wanted to resign from my job, and nursing the idea made me fearful because my boss had come to depend on me so much, the thoughts of telling him I want to go broke my heart. I needed to go. It was important.

One day, I wrote my resignation letter and mailed it to him. When he came to the office, I told him about the mail. He checked and was very upset. He asked that I leave. I wish he had discussed that I waited for a few weeks so he can find my replacement. He was too angry to think about it. I wasn't planning on leaving that day, I just wanted him to know I was going to leave, so we can work something out. Since I barely know how to talk to an angry superior, l hurtfully took my bag and left.

Before this, let's say, 30 minutes before the outburst in the office, a customer had placed a call to the office asking that I should send a dispatch rider to get a package and deliver it to someone in my region. I asked for the receiver's contact details and told the caller the price for the delivery service. He accepted. I send a rider to him.

I completely forgot about it. I was walking home when the rider drove up to me. "You're leaving already," he asked when he stopped. I smiled and said yes. "The owner of the parcel lives in this street"? I asked him. He said yes. I smiled. I didn't tell you I resigned. He was smiling up at me gibberish, I was wondering if he had found out. He didn't.

He told me to wait, stepped down from the bike, and brought a parcel out. He asked me to sign. What? How? Why am l signing someone's parcel? I asked him.

He smiled. Handed over the parcel and a pen to me. There, I saw my name. What the heck? The parcel is for me? How in the world did that happen? Who send it? He refused to answer. He said the human wanted to stay anonymous.

Gosh, I was so happy, I couldn't believe I always send parcels to other people every day, and on the last day of working with them, I received a parcel too. I felt as though the universe was saying thank you for all your efforts. I was glad.

I smiled in the streets, I couldn't wait to get home and unwrap the content. Once I got home, I threw my bag on my bed and ripped open the parcel.

No way! There were two books. I never paid attention to the second one. I was mostly interested in the first. Guess what? I got the hard copy of the book, Mastery. I jumped for joy. My joy knew no bound.


The universe was at it again. The peculiar reason I left my job was to find myself, my inclinations, and master them. I wanted to be one of the masters in history, the way the book described it the first time I read it.

Here I was getting the book as a gift. I thought the universe was sending me a message that I made the right decision. Even though I was hurt that evening, everything fell off, I was grinning from ear to ear, I couldn't wait to dig into that book for the second time.

The most memorable gift I have ever received is Mastery, by Robert Greene. Now, your turn, what is the most memorable gift you have ever got?


It's always the thoughtfulness for me.
Glad you have such memorable experience.

And hope you've ravaged the pages of that book and mastered yourself as much as you can?

It's always the thoughtfulness for me.
Glad you have such memorable experience.

It's the thoughtfulness for me too, I am happy I have this memorable experience as well.

And hope you've ravaged the pages of that book and mastered yourself as much as you can?

Hehehehe, I am currently reading it again, this time I am dissecting the lives of each master as explained in the book.

Thanks alot for reading

Ohh!! What a good gift to calm the upset already set by ur Boss.

Good deeds really pays!
It might not be immediately though but it will always happen.
Weldon for being nice to the guy without hesitation.

Ohh!! What a good gift to calm the upset already set by ur Boss.

I was really happy 🙂

Good deeds really pays!
It might not be immediately though but it will always happen.

Oh no, this is the lessons, I didn't watch out for, thanks for bringing it up, I will commit it to memory.

Weldon for being nice to the guy without hesitation.

Thanks alot. And thank you for reading. ❤️

That's a heartwarming story and it also feels like it was sign that you are on the right path :D

That's exactly what I thought.... "Could this be a sign?" And my heart said, "what more do you need as confirmation"?.

It's over a year now, and I haven't regretted taking that bold step. Truly, that was the sign

Thanks for reading ma'am ❤️❤️

That is really cool to have someone like that come in, and he obviously went out of his way to remember and obtain that book for you; he must have felt intuitively how important that was to you, and it could not have been delivered at a better time unexpectedly.
Very well written story and excellent sourcing @iskafan!
Also came through Dreemport.

I was really happy he took it to heart, and he choose the best time to deliver it too.

Very well written story and excellent sourcing @iskafan!

Thank you very much

Also came through Dreemport.

Thanks alot for reading through

Hello @iskafan. Often in life the best gifts are the ones you receive unexpected. The idea was placed on the young man's heart to gift this particular item to you. Also, we sometimes receive exactly what we need at the right time to motivate us or shine light on a new direction to substantiate that the choice we're making is on a right path.

I also received such a gift as a young adult that led me on a spiritual path I didn't even know existed. People are placed in your life at a particular moment in time for a reason.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Often in life the best gifts are the ones you receive unexpected. The idea was placed on the young man's heart to gift this particular item to you.

I agree ma'am. It was the best gift I have ever received and it was unexpected too. I like the fact that he carried this thoughts around, it gave me hope that I was making the right decision at that time.

Also, we sometimes receive exactly what we need at the right time to motivate us or shine light on a new direction to substantiate that the choice we're making is on a right path.

Yes, it's the exact thing I said above. I really needed this gift then. I am writing this story as a memory presently because I am currently using this book and it is throwing more light on the things I missed the first two times I read it.

I also received such a gift as a young adult that led me on a spiritual path I didn't even know existed

Awwwnnnn, this is a sweet revelation. I am happy for you. That Gift was timely. I appreciate the human who gave it to you on your behalf.

People are placed in your life at a particular moment in time for a reason

I completely agree with this.

Thanks for sharing your story.

Thanks for sharing yours with me as well. I appreciate you. 😊

You're welcome. I forgot to mention that I read your post through @dreemport.


Smiles.... Thanks alot for reading 🙃❤️

That was so beautiful 🤩 that's why it's always good to be good, just a simple act of kindness that cost you nothing to render produced the one book you've longed for 🤗 that's fate playing a perfect hand for you girl.
I'm glad James choose to share this posts on #PYPT today 💯 hmmm and as for my most memorable gift?, that would be the very first android phone I ever used which was gifted to me on my birthday by my big brother 😊

I am glad fate choose to reward me and I am thankful that James shared my post on #PYPT too. Thanks for coming around, I appreciate.

What a beautiful and memorable gift for you. I love being gifted books even though I don't read much except I am in the mood, I had still appreciate it. It was your good deeds the other time that brought this to you. I will write about mine tomorrow by God's grace.

What a beautiful and memorable gift for you

Truly, it is 🙂

I love being gifted books even though I don't read much except I am in the mood, I had still appreciate it.

Hehehehe, I wish my princess reads more 🥺

It was your good deeds the other time that brought this to you.

The universe had my back, and I appreciate that 🙈

I will write about mine tomorrow by God's grace

I'll definitely read it 🥵

Hehehe! I am not that a book fanatic but I still read interesting Genres like education, Relationship and fictions.

Hahahaha, it's okay dear, as long as you read something, I am happy 😁☺️


Lol ❤️❤️❤️

Beautiful story,
the question is now, where is that guy in your life? Are you still in contact? 😁

The most memorable gift...hmmm this is one I need to think of. But off the bat was the HIVE airdrop 😄

where is that guy in your life? Are you still in contact? 😁

It's kinda complicated, in a bit to follow my dreams, I had to run away from home, and send everyone I know into oblivion 😔

This happened a few weeks ago. However, I was on my mail yesterday, and I saw a notification that says he contacted me on my Facebook. I haven't lost contact with him, I am just taking a break from everyone for now.

But off the bat was the HIVE airdrop 😄

Hive airdrop? When was that? I must have missed out for that one as a result of joining late..... 🙁

Ouch, well the heart knows what is right. I pray you master this season of your life and gain insight into your being.

When HIVE forked from steem, we all got the same amount of HIVE on the blockchain. Instant double up. Don't worry, a super airdrop is happening on January 6th for 3 speak tokens and a game that will launch in hive. The best is yet to come.😉

Ouch, well the heart knows what is right. I pray you master this season of your life and gain insight into your being.

Amen, thanks a lot sir

When HIVE forked from steem, we all got the same amount of HIVE on the blockchain. Instant double up.

Oh wow, I had no idea steem exist at that time, I just recently found Hive.

Don't worry, a super airdrop is happening on January 6th for 3 speak tokens and a game that will launch in hive. The best is yet to come.😉

I hope to position myself in the right place to be a part of this, thanks for the information 🙂

That gift has to be a wristwatch sent to me from my uncle just because I saw a pic of him with that watch and I admired it.
On my birthday he decided to send a logistic ride to deliver exactly the same type.

Awwwnnnn..... Both of us have had parcels delivered to us by a logistics firm ... We are so lucky to have these people in our lives who pay attention to the things we wish for 🥰

Yes we are...😊😊😊

I am glad you agree 🥰🥰

Wow don't know you loved reading a lot o. You must have been full of joy seeing the package sent to you

Hehehehe, I do love reading dear, and yes, I was very happy 💃💃💃

Thanks for reading dear

That sounds so cool

Thanks 😊

What a beautiful gift! A wish fulfilled, the truth is that with gifts it always provokes a shout: Life is beautiful!!!😊

That's very correct, life really is beautiful, thanks for coming around ma'am. ❤️

The universe was definitely speaking to you.

You still didn't mention the second book. Pass it my way please 😄

Now, your turn, what is the most memorable gift you have ever got?

My most memorable gift was a surprise birthday cake and outing from my friends. We were on holidays from school and we all don't live in same city but they came to my city on my birthday with a cake and dragged me out to go have fun. It was so thoughtful because prior to then I had mentioned I had never been celebrated on my birthday.

The universe was definitely speaking to you.

Surely, she was. 🙂

You still didn't mention the second book. Pass it my way please 😄

Hehehehe, the name of that one, What on earth are you here for?

My most memorable gift was a surprise birthday cake and outing from my friends. We were on holidays from school and we all don't live in same city but they came to my city on my birthday with a cake and dragged me out to go have fun. It was so thoughtful because prior to then I had mentioned I had never been celebrated on my birthday.

Awwnn.... Your friends are cool 😎. I love them already 🥺🙈💃💃🥵

At least, a bad day turned good for you.
Your ex-superior must be a very temperamental person, just like that he said to leave, hmm.
It's all good though.
@dreemport brought me here

Yes oooo, he said I should leave, just like that. It's all good like you said. Thanks for visiting.

This is such a thoughtful gift, the best gift I ever got was my phone from my sister.

Meanwhile, #dreemport brought me here.

Awwwnnnn, I should personally thank your sister for you, she's such a sweetheart 🙂❤️

Yes she is.

People that pay attention to details>>>>>>>>>>

It's indeed the universe telling you thank you. Glad you got what your heart truly wanted

People that pay attention to details>>

Surely, I was marveled 🙃

It's indeed the universe telling you thank you. Glad you got what your heart truly wanted

I am forever grateful to the universe for this and I am happy I got what I wanted too.

Thanks for reading, namey ❤️

An enjoyable story.
Thank you

I am glad you liked it. Thanks alot.