Color challenge - Indigo Saturday

in Ecency2 years ago

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing great today and that you painted your day with the most beautiful colors. Life is colorful and we are the ones who choose colors that will improve our mood and make us happy. So, choose carefully. 🙂

I chose the indigo color today thanks to an inspiring #ecencydiscord challenge initiated by @beeber. This is an awesome idea and opportunity to turn around and focus on all the beautiful colors that make our life colorful. Thank you @beeber. 🙂

Today is Saturday, so let's sail into indigo shades.

Indigo. The color of the midnight sky. I love the midnight sky because then it is the most beautiful. Indigo inspires me. It is an intense color and at the same time so soothing. It motivates me to think about myself and my needs. It motivates me to achieve a balance without which there is no peace in my mind. If there is no balance and harmony, I get lost. Indigo balances between purple and blue just as I balance between sadness and happiness and peace and unrest. That is why I love it. It helps me not to get lost.

Walking through my neighborhood I saw these amazing indigo flowers that make the environment alive.



Fruits that always refresh me and remind me how important it is to live a healthy life are blueberries, which are rich in vitamin C. And are indigo as well.


And my shoes are indigo. I love shoes of intense colors that attract the attention and glances of passers-by. I love when I notice that they looked at my shoes. That means they were attracted to the color I chose.


While walking, street art always catches my eye. I love it.


And how not to notice these three cute little pigs and their indigo suits. 🙂


Especially the pig in the middle.


The name of the street, which is one of my favorite streets, is on the indigo board as well.


I have a lot of indigo memories. One of them is this coffee cup from Greece. I don't drink coffee but I love Greece. 🙂


And when someone mentions indigo, my first thought is my sister's dress at my wedding. It was the most beautiful dress and the most beautiful day. 🙂


Colors paint our lives the way we want. Let your life be colorful and join the challenge. 🙂

Thank you very much for reading.

The images and writing are original and mine.

Colorful greetings!



oh wow, @jelenaa what a wonderful wedding dress, you and your sister look so beautiful!
You found quite a lot of the color INDIGO the little flowers in german are called "Stiefmütterchen", wich means something like "little step mom". Fantastic color photos :-) thanks for joining in our weekly posting topic

Hi @beeber, thank you very much! 😊 I like the name of this flower in german, it's very interesting. We call it "petunia". I don't know the meaning of that word. 😊 Or maybe I am wrong. It is viola flower maybe. 😀 I don't know the names of the flowers very well. 😀Indigo is an inspiring color and it was a pleasure to join the challenge.

Yay! 🤗
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Thanks again @beeber 🤗

How wonderful it is to appreciate the colorful world that surround us!

Yes, it's inspiring because life is colorful 😊

You both looks so pretty ,I thought your twins😍