What is Ecency How to Use Ecency Boost Promote

in Ecency8 months ago

Ecency is a blockchain-based social media platform that focuses on decentralization and rewards for content creators. Here's a basic guide on how to use Ecency:

  1. Login in Account:

    • Download the Ecency app or visit the Ecency websit Login in.
  2. Explore the Interface:

    • Familiarize yourself with the Ecency interface. It has features similar to other social media platforms, such as a feed, notifications, and user profiles.
  3. Posting Content:

    • Click the "Form" or "Make" button to make another post.- Compose your substance, add pictures or recordings, and arrangement it on a case by case basis. Add relevant tags to categorize your post.
  4. Earning Rewards:

    • Ecency rewards users for their content through cryptocurrency tokens (HIVE or HIVE-Engine tokens). The greater commitment your post gets, the more rewards you can acquire. - Draw in with other clients' substance by enjoying, remarking, and reblogging to build your perceivability.
  5. Managing Wallet:

    • Access your wallet to view your earnings and transactions. - You can also power up (stake) your earnings to increase your influence on the platform.
  6. Customizing Your Profile:

    • Redo your profile with a profile picture, cover picture, and bio. - You can likewise connection to your other virtual entertainment accounts.
  7. Engage with the Community:

    • Follow other users with similar interests. - Join communities or groups to connect with like-minded individuals.
  8. Stay Informed:

    • Keep an eye on the trending posts and topics to discover popular content.- Explore the "Discover" section to find new and interesting users and content.

9 Reporting and Moderation:

  • Ecency has moderation tools to report inappropriate content. Use these tools to help maintain a positive community.

10 Mobile and Desktop Access:

  • Ecency is accessible on both versatile and work area stages, so you can get to it from your favored gadget.

Recollect that Ecency works on a blockchain, and that implies it offers more prominent straightforwardness and decentralization contrasted with conventional web-based entertainment stages. Be sure to read and understand its terms of service and community guidelines to have a positive experience on the platform.


Ecency Point

Ecency Points are a way to reward users for their engagement and activity on the Ecency platform. You can earn Ecency Points by performing various actions such as:

  1. Posting: When you create and publish posts on Ecency, you can earn points based on the quality and engagement of your content.

  2. Commenting: Engaging in discussions and leaving thoughtful comments on other users' posts can also earn you points.

  3. Voting: Upvoting posts and comments from other users can contribute to your point earnings.

  4. Referrals: Inviting new users to join Ecency through your referral link may provide you with referral bonuses and points.

The exact mechanism and rules for earning Ecency Points may vary over time, so it's a good idea to check Ecency's official documentation or website for the most up-to-date information on how points are earned and used on the platform.


Ecency Post promote 1 day 2 day 3 day 7 day 14 day

Promoting an Ecency post over various durations can help maximize its visibility and engagement. Here's a breakdown of how you can promote your Ecency post over different timeframes:

  1. 1 Day Promotion:

    • Allocate a portion of your ECENCY points to boost your post for one day. This short-term boost can generate immediate visibility and engagement. Focus on promoting your post within relevant communities and responding to comments promptly during this period.
  2. 2-3 Day Promotion:

    • Extend your post promotion for 2 to 3 days by continuing to allocate ECENCY points. This allows your post to remain visible for a longer duration, increasing the chances of reaching a wider audience. Engage with your


Use Ecency Point Boost Content

  1. Earn Ecency Points: Engage with the Ecency community by creating posts, commenting, upvoting, and participating in various activities to earn Ecency Points.

  2. Select a Post to Boost: Choose the post you want to boost. It could be one of your own posts or another user's post.

  3. Click on the "Boost" Option: Locate the "Boost" option on the post you've chosen. This option might be represented by an upward arrow or a similar icon.

  4. Choose the Amount of Ecency Points: You would be prompted to select the number of Ecency Points you want to use for boosting the post. The more points you use, the more significant the boost.

  5. Confirm the Boost: Confirm your decision to boost the post. Your Ecency Points will be deducted, and the post will receive a boost in visibility on the platform.

  6. Monitor the Results: Keep an eye on the post's performance. Boosted posts tend to get more visibility and engagement, which can help you earn more rewards and Ecency Points.


Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @khawarch0987.
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

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A very worthy guideline to read. Is it possible to copy this? Thanks.

Thank you for writing this. -Although I must admit I am a bit of struggling with "Boosting" as there seems to be no automatism and often my Ecency Points end up refunded after a day

Amazing and useful content!!!!
Thanks for this great post!

Thank you for the shared knowledge, I really needed this😊

That is very awesome

Thanks for sharing details post about the Ecency Boost feature. This is highly recommended to all new comers on Hive Platform

How ironic you did an ecency article and ecency rewarded you for an ecency article 😁😁😁😁😁.

Nice dapp

Ecency is very amazing 🤩 I use it and it's of great benefits

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( josephdon211 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

This post is class. Thank you for this.

Great post. You might want to explain that boosts are not guaranteed. Each boost is reviewed by the Ecency curation team and often boosts are limited depending on how much voting power the Ecency account has. 150 point boost requests get priority when voting power is low Boost new posts less than 24 hours old. If your post does not receive a boost your POINTS will be refunded after 24 hours.

Such an informative content. Thank you for sharing this useful ideas.

Very useful post