
in Ecency4 years ago

​​Tin tun tum pum puck top tip tum tick tock Tikka

​who the hell this is ?

​It seems someone disturbed her sleep but what ? The while she caught sight at her phone a meaningful smile slipped her face and her eyes start sparkling the more then @Zonnia sparkes in #Discord lol 😂

​She picked the cal and said helloooooooooo boi

​the excited voice just knocked the man on other side and he whispered boi 🤭😉

​Both the parties were silent

​he said hurridely Make your to get your phone charged for today I will be calling at 11:00 PM

​She hang out the cal and looked at the clock it's 9:00 PM fine 2 hours to go ?

​She plugged her Phone to charjer to get it charged and went to kitchen for making dinner But she forgots to switch on the Button in excitement.

​5 minutes end here lol 😂

Let me complete it😁

​After dinner she get back to her bedroom and unplugged the mobile

​to her great astonishment phone was dead she plugged in again after three attempts she thought cable isn't working or either some issue with phone 😡

​it's 11:05 PM now 😢

​She sighed and unconsciously she caught the switch is off


​She switched on promptly and after two minutes she was successfull to on her mobile phone rang and she picked .

​Who the hell you are no to obey me ? I said you to keep charged your phone and you did it off you Stupid Bloody arrogant women

​I can't survive with your bulshits who don't bother my orders and needs.

​Don't ever try to call or message me I am not your slave anymore get lost of my life and mind

​You ...... Girl

What ???? She just thought as she wasn't able to speak after all that abuse rain.4gujwc.jpg

Her heart bleeds to see this much rude behavior of his. She just thought I was with him from 4 years and he doesn't even understand my problem ? And consider me criminal who didn't obey him ?

​She was now feelingless emotionless and stone. Just seeing her phone and think we shouldn't love those who are so much proud of theirself that they cannot even think for our problems once. And break up with us without solid reason when we are on highest for them.

I hate you the charged phone

She shrieks


Note: Cross shared On my Uptrennd social account.