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RE: Downvote Algorithm Help Request

in Ecencylast year (edited)

I have no clue why you tagged me. You have no clue why you tagged me.

I don't know you, though I'm certain I've seen you around. I don't live under a rock wearing a blindfold and headphones. I've seen and heard a lot of shit in my day. These situations are not new to me.

I came here expecting to see a meltdown with shit all over the walls as you smear everyone in sight with absurdities over a matter of a couple bucks. I came here expecting to see someone eager to turn their back on everything and everyone they pretend to care about over a matter of a few bucks and the actions of one or two individuals, all while those individuals, are not me, yet I'm being dragged into it.

Instead, my first impression of you, is you have a good head on your shoulders. Maybe a little bit naïve and gullible since I've a strong feeling I know which bit of bullshit led you to believe I'm somehow involved. You're a bright peaceful man, so didn't that content seem a little peculiar to you?

Best I can tell, the power is in your hands on this one

No dude. It's in your hands. Not mine or anyone's; yours. I don't represent Hive, I represent myself. Same for you. Same for everyone. Decentralized. Those downvoting represent their interests. Apparently your account was compromised? Where did I learn that? Here, under this post, in the comment section.

Use your words. Use your brain. Get that sorted out.

For the most part, I'm an artist and entertainer. I'm invested, sure. I care about the place and the people. I rarely use my downvote button unless it's a clear case of useless nonsense and I stumble into it.

I'll do my best to not take this personally, though I do have a new reminder and a lengthy list of reasons why I should, but that's not all on your shoulders. I do my best to not allow shit like this to ruin my experience here. I am sick of being blamed for stuff that has nothing to do with me though.

I'll follow you now. Some of your content might be interesting and it's been quiet in my feed.

Have a nice day.


Yay! 🤗
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