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RE: How Do You Buy/Sell Hive in Your Country? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.19 (Wednesday, April 10, 4:30 PM UTC)

in Ecencylast month

I'm using SWAP.BTC in moments when HIVE is going up, to preserve its value (like others are using HBD, for example) in the bear market... when HIVE goes down, I exchange back from BTC to HIVE...

And for short-term withdrawals from H-E tokens, I use LTC instead of BTC for lower fees... But, the problem with LTC is that it's less predictable and I don't trust it to keep fund in LTC for a long(er) term... So, only using to transact and go out from it :)


With the decline of hive community? Thinking that I would have a better chance at life In the real world.

Appreciate it. But yeah life is awesome.