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RE: In 2023, will 5, 6, 10 years of university study still be reasonable?

in Reverio10 months ago

Very good question !

We don't yet know which jobs AI will replace, and which ones AI won't be able to do. It's also likely that the increasing use of AI will create new jobs we haven't even dreamed of which will need humans to do them (although whether this will be humans doing menial mopping up after AI's, or more advanced things which require imagination and intuition, is an unknown).

But I can bet that the governments of the world will pay citizens a universal basic income dressed up as "student grants" to send them off to university, even if what they are studying has no relevance to job opportunities. It's better to do that than to pay people to sit at home playing videogames or (even worse, from a government perspective) meeting up with other humans and doing that most subversive of things of talking to each other.