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RE: Question Thread #1

in Reveriolast year

Hey friends, many times when I'm blogging on Hive, I use different blogging frontends, and everyday I discover something new and interesting with each of these frontends that I find it difficult to choose 1 as a favorite. So, I'm just curious, what's your favorite Hive blogging frontend?


i like short form content that gets to the point so dbuzz was my favorite for a bit, but i like the layout, notifications, & mobile app of ecency right now. i wish steepshot or appics stayed on HIVE.

I've never heard of steepshot, what Blockchain is it on?

 last year  

Hi @audigital!

Congrats on your first question on Reverio.

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Thanks for the feedback reverio, I'm so happy to discover reverio.
I'm already following your blog and the reverio community on Hive.

Peakd, by far!

😀. I still don't have a straight answer to that question like you do. It's been very hard for to choose one.
Most times I find myself having to jump from 1 to another.

Interesting, what others offer you what peakd can´t (apart from the ecency points).

Haha, I get push notifications with Ecency. What I like most is the notification when my favorite creators post something.

I have preferred Ecensy for some tune until experiencing a wallet issue with regards to boosting points. I recently had to reset my password and it is giving me uses with this, but @good-karma is hands on and the team is investigating the cause. it's a great mobile option.