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RE: How do you get people to join Hive and stick with it?

in Reveriolast year

I did the actifit thing for a while. It got hard to not feel like I was spamming the chain. I mean how much can you really put into a post about your workout when it is the same thing every day. People argued that the exercise itself is the content, but others don't see it that way. If there was less stigma about short form content, it might not be so bad. Hopefully that is changing.


I'm not against short form, but we need ways to filter it. You will see I try to make my running posts interesting. I feel I have to justify the rewards I am likely to get. That is why I am incorporating some gear reviews, but with four runs each week I will run out of things to talk about.

That's my point. That's why I stopped doing Actifit posts. It was tedious and too much like work after a while. My wife was doing it for a time too, but then she got sick of it. I think there has to be a place for that without judgement or backlash though.

Not everyone is a blogger. Photo posts can be valid too. There has to be something for everyone. Anyway, this post generated some conversations, so that's worth it to me.

Oh, by the way, you see my post from today? I wondered if you knew that band...

I'll have a look soon.