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RE: Bitcoin is slightly under $30,000. With all the corporate interest, will it ever go below $25,000 again?

in Reverio11 months ago

I think Bitcoin has reached what I call critical mass. There's a tipping point when something moves from fringe to mainstream. Once that tipping point is crossed, then critical mass kicks in and the thing continues indefinitely. There was once a need for same day messengers to deliver documents on bicycles across large cities. Then the fax machine arrived and tipped things away from bikes to faxes. Then email arrived and tipped things away from faxes to emails. Bitcoin has reached the level of acceptance in the world where everyone has heard about it and are comfortable with it. Does that mean there's a floor? Probably so, because as some people leave others will enter based upon prior performance of BTC. Does it last forever? Probably not, but I don't know what will be the thing that reaches critical mass next that tips crypto away from BTC.