Is cryptography likely to be broken in the future?

in Reverio9 months ago

I'm aware that cryptography is a complex science and that current encryption methods are very strong. However, i was thinking about the fact that once computers become more and more powerful, faster in terms of data processing - will they be capable enough to break the cryptography? What do you think about this aspect?

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This is my first time hearing about cryptography
Would learn more
Thanks for sharing!

Well, look at this Blockchain for example, all the data together with the blocks are secured with the help of cryptography ( super complicated computer operations). In general, it secures your authentication method, but here in the decentralized environment, things should be at a completely different level. It's interesting what will happen when we actually have access to those kinds of quantum computers that are being rumored to be able to process an enormous amount of data in a fraction of a second. I guess they would just be stories about those super advanced computers - though!!....who knows!!?....maybe they actually exist somewhere in a far corner of the world. !PGM !LOOLZ